The date

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Atsushi opens his eyes blinking a couple of times trying to process where he is. It takes him a moment to register the arm that is snaked around his torso. When he does notice his cheeks turn pink before he clears his throat. Akutagawa barely stirs simply, turning.

"Guess I'll take that as my cue to leave." Atsushi sighs before slowly untangling himself from Akutagawa.

Once Atsushi is stood over Akutagawa he places a kiss on the top of the mafios forehead before turning and placing a note on the coffee table then he simply takes his leave.




Akutagawa wakes, even before turning he knows Atsushi is gone. He must've left during the night. Akutagawa stands before making his way to the kitchen intent on preparing himself a cup of coffee.

Akutagawa sits back down on the sofa with a cup of coffee in hand. He pulls out his phone staring at the blank screen for a few moments before turning it on. Akutagawa pulls up messages and quickly types something into his phone. He clicks send before setting his phone back on the coffee table. Akutagawa lets out a sigh before taking a sip of his coffee.

With a ding Akutagawa phone vibrates he quickly sets down his mug, almost spilling the contents in the process of trying to get his phone in his hand as fast as possible. He clicks on staring at the response to his message.

The message reads "I would love to <3"

Akutagawa smiles, of course he would send a heart at the end of his message. Akutagawa types back a response. "Well in that case let's meet at the café I showed you yesterday."

"Alright, does 18:30 work for you then?"

"Yes, that's perfect."

With a smile Akutagawa sets his phone back down on the coffee table reaching for his mug, he blows on the surface of the liquid before taking a sip. Closing his eyes, feeling very much content. He can't believe him and Atsushi are really going to go on a date this evening!




"Dazai, is this really necessary?" Atsushi asks as Dazai throws another shirt at him from his place next to the clothing rack.

"This is very much necessary." Dazai informs him as he takes a tie and adds it to the pile of clothes in Atsushi's arms.

"Yes but isn't this a bit extreme?"

"Now now Atsushi, nothing is too extreme when it comes to a fabulous date." Atsushi grimaces. I'm not so sure about that... However Atsushi puts his thoughts aside and lets Dazai drag him around the rest of the clothing store until they finally end up in front of the changing rooms.

"I really have to go through all of these outfits?"

"Yes there's no getting out of this so you might as well get it over with." Dazai says before shoving Atsushi into one of the empty stalls.

The first outfit Atsushi walks out in is a pair of blue jeans with a white button up and a black overcoat. Dazai gasps when Atsushi emerges.

"Now I think Akutagawa is gonna love this." Dazai says with a sly grin before pestering Atsushi to try on the next outfit.

Atsushi walks out in a green dinosaur onesie.

"So why was this in the pile?" Atsushi says with a sigh.

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