chapter 1

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Flug's POV

I was finishing the machine from a client that request an alternate universe machine. Quite interesting request if I'm being honest and a bit weird but surprisingly blackhat agree despite it's not a weapon or anything that could cause destruction as long as the client pay very handsomely and they are a villain.

I was almost done with the machine. Just a little bit screwing here and there-

"Hey nerd! What's that?"

I embarrassedly squeak as I felt my heart pounding very fast. I glare at dementia angrily

"Dementia! I told you not- ughhh you know what? Nevermind. You won't listen to me anyway" I said with annoyance as I continue my work while I saw her walking around the machine with curiosity "may I ask why are you here?"

"Boooooreeeeed. Blacky didn't give me a mission and he even magically lock the door and even the vent! I couldn't even break his window. 505 is sleeping sooooo since your the only option I have left..."

It's going to be difficult to get her out of the lab now that she's already in here and I am too tired to deal with this. I sigh as I look at her "okay fine, you can stay here and do whatever you want just...please don't break the products I made for the clients, especially this machine" I point at the big machine In front of me "this took me half a month to finally finished this"

"Okay okay geez. But what's that anyway?"

"An alternate universe machine or in short AUM"

"Ooooh what's it do? Does it work?"

"This is supposed to make you travel to another universe. I'm still not sure if it's work, I still had to test it" I said with uncertainty. I resume my work. While I do my work a heard a glass break behind me. I would need to order a new supplies after this.

I am finally done! After a few hours I am finally done! Oh thank God. I was so relief and happy to finish this but when I turn around I frown. Everything is a messed. Almost all of my equipments broke and the chemicals are everywhere in the floor, the walls, the ceiling but at least she didn't touch any of the products. This is the first and the last time I let dementia do anything in the lab. And It seems she's already left. Sigh I better call 505 to clean this messed. I walk out of the lab to find my adorable baby.

Dementia's POV

When I saw flug finally got out of the lab as I quickly got out of the vent and walk towards this big machine. I walk around it while looking at it with curiosity as I remember what flug said

"Can travel to another universe huh?"

I look at the machine and then at the exit lab door, then I look back at the machine with a mischievous smirk appeared on my face as an idea pop right into my head

"Welllll, I'm sure flug wouldn't notice anything. I'm just going to have a quick travel"

I look around the machine trying to find where to turn it on and figure how to use it. I humm. I noticed a few wires and a few buttons beneath the machine. I bent down as I look at it. Hmmm maybe Messing with it will probably make the machine turn on!

I push some buttons, messed some wires. After a few minutes nothing happened. What could possibly-

I noticed a certain wire, I look at it and realized that the machine wasn't plug into the outlet. I look around and found an outlet near and plug it. The moment I plug it I heard the machine started to turn on. I looked at the machine with excitement but suddenly the machine malfunction I slowly step back when smoke coming out of it with red lights flickering. This doesn't look good...

Suddenly I heard the door slam open

Narrator's POV

Dr flug quickly rush in the lab with 505 behind him when he saw dementia with the machine going crazy

"What the hell did you do?!?"

"I um..I might have messed some wires, and pushed a few buttons" dementia said as she chuckles nervously as she look at the scientist who look at her with disbelief


"Hey! It's not my fault there's no start-button instead there's so many buttons and wires without labelling on them!"

"You weren't- look out!" Flug quickly run to dementia when he noticed the red machine was getting red as aggressive smokes coming out of it and was about to explode. When flug arrive he quickly grab the girl's arm and throw her out of the way as he took her place. Flug wasn't quick enough when the machine explode as white light surrounded him making him cover his eyes as he heard dementia shout his name and 505 Yelp. The light was Soo bright that everyone cover their eyes as they heard aloud boom echoed through the whole mansion and a big wave energy blast through the whole place

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