chapter 4

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all of them were sitting quietly in the office of the eldritch as the three look at the scientist before them. they were finally calm down as the hybrid explain what happened at the lab after telling them what happened she started to question the human again and again with the same question

"wait so...your telling me your not flug?" dementia ask for the 10th time which caused an irritation on the human and the eldritch together. and before dementia could ask again the eldritch quickly spoke

"if your not flug then who ARE you?" the human look at him in deadpan

"i already told you, im slug, kenning slugslys" he said annoyedly "anyways. that machine that build by your scientist was an alternate universe machine right? and it's because it malfunction and explode. the machine must've switch the both of us from our dimension?"

"so your telling me that MY scientist is in your stupid dimension?" the eldritch said with distastes on his face

"yup. and it seems im in the opposite version of my world"

"and what do you mean by 'opposite' from yours" the eldritch ask

"you guys are villains right?" the human ask who called slug

"definitely" the eldritch said as he smile very disturbingly but the slug was unfazed by it which annoyed the eldritch a bit

"then in my world you guys are heroes there" slug look at the eldritch who look at him surprise with a mix of disgust "and you are the best hero in my world called whitehat and the kindest, caring, and very very annoying" he said angrily. blackhat look at him with a confuse look and ask

"why do you seem you hate him? aren't you a hero?" slug scoff when he called him a hero. he really hated it

"unfortunately yes and a rehabilitate villain"

"wait so...if you are once a villain then does that mean that flug is once a hero?" dementia ask as she thought about it while blackhat laugh at that while the blue bear gasp

"well that is a possibility" slug said as he shrug

"bah! him? he can't even stand up for himself without cowering" blackhat mocked which made slug irritated

"will you stop insulting him?"

"and why not?" blackhat said angrily as he glare at slug

" him and me are the same person but in different world so technically your insulting me" blackhat rolled his eyes in annoyance

"if you two are one then your no any better then" blackhat said as he stand up and headed to the door of his office to walk out but before he could grab the door knob he felt a sharp pointy object on his neck

"i would watch your mouth if i were you, 'boss'" slug said as he hold the injection with green liquid inside of it tightly near the eldritch's neck. the eldritch darkly chuckle at his stunt

"did you really think that stupid thing could kill me?" blackhat said mockingly

"your right. it won't kill you" slug confess as he can feel the eldritch grinning "but it will give you in A LOT of pain for weeks"

"and you think it could work on me?"

"let just say my beloved boss was 'Too Kind' to give me some of his DNA sample and let him and how his body..... 'function'"

blackhat felt...a little uncomfortable at that for some reason. what did he mean by that?

"you have a lot of nerve to threatening me" blackhat growled

"like i said, i'm the opposite of your 'weak scientist'" blackhat chuckle darkly

"to me your nothing More but an insolent insect"

Now that finally lost slug's patience and was about to stab the needle Into his neck but before the needle could touch his skin he disappeared in smoke. Slug heard the dark laugh in every direction and suddenly he felt a presence behind him. Following his instinct he swing the needle while he quickly turn around but a dark grey tentacle grab his hand and to see the eldritch who crazed grin at him which annoyed the human more

"An insolent insect eh? Then let's find out who is insolent between us then shall we? "

"Oh we shall"....

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