-1- The Awakening

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                           THE AWAKENING

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                           THE AWAKENING

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Itami Eirin awoke to cold, empty, whitewashed walls, her sheets wet with cold sweat and her blankets trapping, and restricting. She dreamed the same dream every night, it never went away no matter how much time passed. Just as her scars never faded. Just as her memories never faded.

He was there, hand stretched out reaching and calling for help. And as soon as she reached her hand out to him, he disappeared into a pile of dark red blood. No trace that he was ever there. It was painful, to try to move on when the still fresh scab was reopened again, leaving the 'scar' ugly and bleeding once again. But she could live through it. She has been living through it for the last 6 years.

Sighing, Itami got up. The girl decides to get dressed. She showers quickly, shivering a little under the cold water, but accepts the cold to wash away her spiraling thoughts. Grabbing the bandages she always had laying around in the bathroom, starts binding them all over her body, mostly around the arms, legs, and stomach. It's only a precaution, though she does this every day just in case something ever happens and she ever needs to use her quirk.

This leads us to that. Her quirk. With an astonishing total of 3 quirks. How did she get that many? She had no goddamn clue.

First and foremost and most useless one, Quick Regeneration, she could heal faster, to make her suffer more. She couldn't die from the wounds, but they hurt. And the girl hadn't already ended her miserable life because Itami had already made a promise to live. Itami had promised him. Surely if she had a big life-threatening wound, she'd die. But until now, not yet.

Her second ability was Pain Transfer, a complete double-edged sword, really. She could take other people's wounds and transfer them to none other than herself. Hence, the reason why she must carry bandages with her everywhere, the induce bleeding in any situation.

The last of the three is Pain Manipulation. The ability to control pain, giving it to someone, twisting her abilities, and making them feel it, she could control the levels of pain people felt, whether it was emotionally, mentally, or even physically. It was a dangerous quirk, one that needed to be kept in check and always controlled. It went as far as being able to inflict pain on others.

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