- 9 - worry

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PREVIOUSLY ON: The Pain We Share


"Oh yeah...Ita's got 3 quirks. You'll have to ask her for the details, I think her abilities have improved. The first one's called Pain Transfer. Basically, she can inflict pain on herself and transfer it onto others. Or vice versa. Second's Quick Regeneration..." He trailed off.

"And the last one?" Midoriya had sparks in his eyes at this point. He was furiously jotting and scribbling down every single work Shoto said. The angry blonde only rolled his eyes and scoffed at the broccoli's antics.

"I can't say. You'll have to ask her that. Not sure she would tell you though," And with that Shoto reached his station and exited the train, leaving two curious U.A. students behind.

Itami Eirin...who are you?


                                      - 9 - worry

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- 9 - worry

                                      - 9 - worry

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MOTEL; 2:07 AM


Flopping down onto the bed's mattress, I allowed myself to relax...as much as possible. Surely they wouldn't ambush me in my sleep where I was completely vulnerable right? Yeah...wish it were that convenient. My body slept but my mind was awake, similarly to how dolphins do it-- but let's not get into it.

Just as I relax my muscles for one second.

One fucking second.

A scream rips out from the room next door.

A woman's scream to be quite exact. The sound of crashing is pounding into my brain. I roll over trying to drown out the shouts and crashes with the dusty pillow. With a groan, I get up and leave the room. I walk next door where all the sounds are coming from and kick the door open to reveal a man and a woman.

She's in the corner, clothes torn, whimpering, and crying.

The man was standing over her, a crazed look on his face. He was holding a gun in his hands, and it was pointed at the woman. Now, he pointed the pistol at me.

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