Chapter 1

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The wizarding world had finally begun to settle down after the tragic war, one that changed everyone's lives for the better and worse. Many lives were lost and the nightmares were a constant reminder of what they truly had to experience at such a young age. Hermione had lost many people who she deemed to be friends and mentors. Many of her fellow Hogwarts students lost their lives and some were far too young, knowing they would never get the opportunity to complete their education, never be able to graduate and find themselves a job they had always wished for, never find someone they love and grow a life together. That is what hurts the most.

She had lost Tonks, someone, she had grown to care about and had become close with during their time at Grimmauld place, which was the destination for the order meetings. They had lost Madeye moody, an experienced dueler and ex Auror and though they may not have been close, or friends at all for that matter, losing someone who was a part of your cause, was still painful.

There were a few people who came extremely close to death, Fred and Percy Weasley were both found under piles of brick due to an explosion. They were luckily found and the healers were able to help them, though there were a few times when the healers thought they would lose them. Remus Lupin, Harry's uncle in everything but blood, was found beside his mate, unconscious and we truly believed we had lost him too. Though, once we brought all the bodies to the great hall, we realised that he was alive but in a coma which he remained in for around five months. Once he woke, we had to watch him grieve for the death of his mate and the fact that their son, Teddy, would be without a mother.

After the war had finished, Hermione moved into the Burrow with her new boyfriend, Ron Weasley and his family. Things were going well in their relationships, in everyone's opinion, it was a long time coming and they were happy that they finally took the next step and got together. Unfortunately, things started to go wrong around eight months. Hermione and Ron were constantly arguing, more than usual anyway, and Hermione had started noticing Ron's weird behaviour. Hermione would appreciate all the dates that Ron would bring her on, but she noticed that they were always rather public and places they knew would be swarmed with paparazzi and fans. Hermione would rather stay out of the public and the limelight, whereas Ron, would encourage and show off in front of the crowds and cameras, always willing to stand there for hours, signing autographs and taking small interviews for multiple newspapers.

Hermione wasn't the only one who noticed his behaviour. Harry Potter, her best friend and brother, had experienced what fame was truly like and in all honesty, he hated it. It wasn't surprising that he reacted the same as Hermione, he stayed out of the limelight and focused on his Auror training. They both knew Ron had always been jealous of his fame and from his recent behaviour, they came to the conclusion that Fame had gotten to Ron's head and the person he used to be, was gone completely. His family noticed his reaction to fame also, everyone except his mother, Molly, who somewhat encouraged her son's behaviour.

As for Ginny, she had always been observant and she knew all her brothers more than they even knew themselves. She's the youngest and only girl out of her siblings and they were all wrapped around her finger, they all truly adored and loved her with everyone they have. She had always been closest to the twins, Fred and George, though she had an amazing relationship with Bill and Charlie, who were the two eldest. Percy, well he's Percy, their relationship had been strained for many years but that was due to his bossy and smug personality. He had always felt he was more important and smarter than all his family members, he was the only one, except his father, of course, that had got himself a job in the ministry. Even in school, he was a prefect and head boy, which gave him a lot of power and he made sure he reminded everyone, even when it wasn't necessary.

As it started to approach a year since the war had ended, both Hermione and Ginny found themselves fed up with Ron's behaviour. Ginny had tried to persuade Hermione to end their relationship, and truth be told, Hermione wasn't sure she even loved him in the way she was meant to. At times, she found herself adoring the man and other times, she truly hated him.

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