Part 30

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Ginny's POV

I was sitting at my desk in my bedroom, everyone was either on patrol or training and yet, I couldn't focus on anything else except the letter right in front of me. It's been a while since I've heard from my mother, I've kept in contact with dad and my older brother, all except Ron. I re-read the letter once again, getting the same reaction I did the same four times. Pure and utter disbelief.

Dear Ginerva,
There are not enough words to express how disappointed I am in you. You followed that foolish girl to Merlin knows where and refuse to tell your own mother! You happily left your family to be with the girl that broke your brother's heart, Merlin knows what she's making you do whilst you're away. I expected more from you!
I also know that you're in contact with your father and brothers and that they have visited you on numerous occasions. I find it disrespectful that you would not invite me to your own home, let alone Ronald who has done nothing but love and protect you.
I want an owl back!
Love from, mum.

I had always looked up to my mother growing up, she was an amazing person who would do anything for her family and extended her care and generosity to others in need. However, I knew I wanted more than to be a housewife, not that there is anything wrong with it but I saw how much my family struggled financially, especially with just my father's income coming in. When Bill and Charlie left home and started their career, they helped by sending money over as much as they could. I always felt that my mother could have done something to help, I had suggested that she sell her knitted jumpers, which were always so warm and comfortable but in her eyes, it was too much effort and would rather do them for our family at Christmas instead.

After a while, I had lost a lot of respect for her and deep down, she could see it too. I grew a lot close to my brothers and dad, along with my friends and sibling bonds.

I placed the letter back down on the desk and wiped the tears that had escaped my eyes. I was feeling frustrated with myself for even shedding a tear for the woman who had said such hurtful words, but the thing that hurt the most was that I found myself not surprised by reviving such a letter. A small knock was heard from behind me, I quickly placed the letter in the drawer and tried to compose myself the best I could.

"Come in" I called out and saw that it was Paul. The sight of him instantly made me want to burst into tears, his presence made me feel so loved and protected that I simply couldn't hide what I was feeling from him. His eyebrows furrowed in concern when he noticed my sore eyes and flustered cheeks.

"Beautiful, what's wrong?" He asked as he kneeled in front of me, taking my hands in his instantly.

"M-My mum sent me a letter-"

"That's good, isn't it?" He interrupted in confusion. I hadn't told him what occurred when we departed from England, my mother's controlling nature was something I had gotten used to but it still angered me beyond belief. As a child, I had thought all parents treated their children that way, but when I arrived at Hogwarts and heard the way some of the students talked about their families, I knew my mother was toxic and it wasn't normal.

"Not necessarily, she is a very controlling woman and when we left England, she wasn't happy about me accompanying Hermione on her new journey. There's more that went on but it isn't my place to speak about" He nodded his head slowly in understanding, but his frown deepened when he noticed me growing more emotional. He sat down properly on the floor and pulled me into his lap, I instantly curled into him and buried my face into his chest.

"Sometimes, family are people that don't share your blood. I don't get along with my father, especially after my mother's death and when I met Sam, he instantly became a big brother to me. He was there for me more than anyone ever has, and then the others joined and we turned into a family. If your mother is making you this emotional and is unhappy with your decisions, then simply let her wallow in her disapproval. You're an adult, Ginny, you make decisions for yourself. You have a family here, who all love you and will support whatever decisions you make" I listened intently to his words, his heartbeat remained steady which indicated that every word spoken was nothing but the truth. I pulled away slightly and looked up into his dark brown eyes, I couldn't help but feel my love increasing for the man in front of me.

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