the next day

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kenzys POV

i barely wake up my eyes puffy and my head hurts. with my eyes not open yet i laid down with my head on a very large muscular chest. his arm around me. i felt safe with him. like nothing and no one could hurt me. he made me forget about everything when im with him. I open my eyes. and slowly get up to go to the bathroom. i quietly walk out of the bathroom and i find a very sexy man sitting up staring at me. his tired droopy eyes make him look so hot.

"good morning" he said while stretching and making his muscles flex.

"good morning"

i go over t my bed and lay back down next to him in the warm bed. he wraps his arms around me and looks at me. i couldn't tell what he was thinking about. but oh boy i couldn't stop thinking about how hot he looks right now. his messed up hair and his sleepy eyeballs.

"you want to know something?" he paused for a second

"your very beautiful I really like you. "

i couldn't help but smile he leaned in for a kiss. my lips meet his. he kisses me hard an rough. i loved kissing him. it turned into a big make out session. i wrapped my arms around his neck running my fingers threw his hair. he got on top of me gripping onto my back. it felt good. making out with him felt like nothing else in the world mattered his kisses made me feel better about everything.

"KENZY?! what the hell are you doing? my brother said walking into my room interrupting my moment

"knock much?" Mathew gets off me and we both sit up.

"i did like 3 times. i thought you were still sleeping so i came in."

"what do you need Jason?"

"get packing were leaving today to Iowa"

he walks out of the room. i look at Mathew. he has a sad look on his face. i kiss him one more time then get up to pack. i grab my suite case from my closet and start grabbing cloths to pack.

"your leaving?" he said with a confused and sad voice

"i have to, for my grandpas funeral."

"i don't want you to go. ill miss you."

"well you can come with me if you would like to?"

"are you sure that's goanna be ok with everyone?"

"itl be fine. are you coming with me.?"

"i don't know well see" mocking me from what i said  yesterday

i chuckle and kiss him "what about now?" mocking him from yesterday

he nods and smiles. he drives home to pick up his stuff he's taking to Iowa. Then drives back over. We load all the cars up and we get on the road. Jason rides with mom and dad and Mathew rides with me. before we left we had to stop by the school and get all our work and say good bye. i couldn't find Megan or bre or ally anywhere. i grabbed my phone and checked it. 128 missed calls from them last night and 59 text messages they were asking me why i wasn't at the party and why i wasn't answering the phone. i decided to call ally.

"hello kenzy? where the hell were you last night i didn't see you or Mathew?"

"ally my grandfather died. Mathew come over to comfort me and ended up staying the night. im sorry i didn't tell you i haven't been able to talk at all."

"your grandfather died? oh kenzy im so sorry. i didn't know. where are you now? is Mathew with you?"

"im on my way to Iowa and yes he's with me."

"he's going to Iowa with you"

"yes did you want to come to.? i haven't left town yet?"

"sure let hurry up and pack."

"im on my way"

i hang up the phone. and i look over at a very hot Mathew look at me. he grabbed me by my waist and kissed me.

"what was that for"

"you just look so irresistible" he said with a smile

"who were you talking to?"

"oh my best friend ally. she's coming with us.?"

we drive over to ally's house. Mathew and i walk in. i run up to ally's room and i walk into her room to find her packing. i help her as Mathew stands in the door way. ally looks at him and me and smiles. she puts a shirt into her suite case and stops and stares at us.

"so? are you guys like together now?

i smile and look at Mathew to find him blushing.

Mathew chuckles "something like that"

i look at him and smile. i walk up to him and kiss him. he wraps his arms around my waist and my arms around his neck. we had a mini make out session. we stop i turn and look at ally. her mouth wide open with a surprised face. she turns around and continues packing.

"well i guess that answers my question."

we laugh and finish packing. we grabbed her suitcase and dragged it downstairs and out to the car. after he suite case was in the care we all got in and finally left town. we had along  drive ahead of us. it was kind of awkward between us cause ally and Mathew never talked. i turned on some music. it was getting really awkward i had to to something. I turned off the music and tried to talk to both of them.


"ok so will you guys tell me what's going on between you two?" ally said desperately

"i really like her. i think she beautiful and strong and i think i want her to be my girlfriend." Mathew said in a serious loving way.

"girlfriend?" i question with a big smile on my face

"yes kenzy girlfriend. will you be my girlfriend?"

"yes i would love to be your girlfriend" i nod happily and say

"awwwwwwww" ally says

i look back at ally and she has a happy surprised face. she looks at me and Mathew and smiles

"well. that wasn't expected at all. im happy for you guys. and Mathew i didn't know you could be so sweet to a girl"

"well that's one thing you don't know about me. i may be the schools badass. but i could never treat a girl wrong. especially ones as beautiful as kenzy"

i smile and look at him. he's so hot. i cant believe he asked me to be his girlfriend. omg he's my boyfriend i never thought that this day would come. he's so sweet not expected rom Mathew. we get to a red light. i cant resist i lean over to to kiss his soft lips. it was meant to be just one kiss but it turned into a make out session.


"umm guys"

"sorry" i say to ally as i turn around and look at her. she has that his is awkward face. she looks at me and playfully rolls her eyes and sighs. we laugh and I drive off.


Mathews POV

I look at kenzy and see the happiness in her eyes. her smile is breathtaking. its a warm comforting smile. it makes me melt happily inside. I've never felt this way with a girl before. I really like her, everything about her makes me happy. I want to kiss her every second of everyday and hold her close to me and never let her go. i cant stop looking at her. she's so beautiful.

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