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"I-I.. I need to talk with Hope." Roman stuttered

"I don't recall that being an option" klaus glared "I'm still waiting on that bat Hayley"

"You shouldn't get the bat Klaus" Josie assured

"What? Are you crazy?" Klaus asked

"Well.. I don't think you should get the bat because you can end up getting in some serious trouble, and I can't have Hope losing anyone else she loves.." Josie pouts

"What is that suppose to mean?" Klaus asked

"It's nothing really.. I was.. I was just saying it in general" Josie looks away

Klaus raised his eyebrow "we'll talk about that later.." he then turned to Roman who stood at the door "what did I tell you if you came up to my door?" Klaus stepped up to him

"I just want to talk with Hope" Roman says as he backed up just a bit

"Are you crazy? You think I'm going to let that happen?" Josie stepped up

"Better question, you think we are going to let that happen?" Klaus asked with a smug look

Roman turned to Klaus and then to Josie as he shook his head "this isn't up to you, you have no say"

"I change my mind.. I'll go get the bat" Josie says before she walked off

"Why can't I talk to Hope?" Roman asked

"You won't ever talk to Hope.. you can't talk to Hope ever in your life.. why? Because you know what you did to her and-"

"I have to tell her about the person that's trying to leak her video.. I have to tell her so she won't be hurt" Roman spat out

"What video?" Klaus asked as Josie walked up with an actual bat

Roman eyes widen "Josie knows!" Roman yelled

Josie raised the bat at him ready to swing but Klaus stopped her "what video?

"It's a private video that I won't show anyone even if I still had access to it" Josie admits

"What the hell is going on?" Klaus asked

"The things that I've done to your daughter is on tape and I need to get that back or find out who has it" Roman explained

"You aren't getting anything because as soon as we get to the bottom of this.. you're going to jail" klaus assured before turning to face Josie "and you.. what's this about? Why didn't you tell us?"

"It wasn't her choice to make." All eyes turned to see Hope standing on the stairs.

"What the hell do you mean-"

"I'm going to get down to the bottom of this and I'm going to do it soon, but for right now, I want Roman gone, I don't want to speak to you.. and I want you all to drop this and pretend like it never happened, just for the sake of the trip" Hope demanded


"Good fucking bye." Josie smirked as she slammed the door in his face. She then turned around to meet eyes with hope.

She couldn't think of any words to say. Hope looked from her girlfriend to her father and then walked into the kitchen.

"We can't just let this go into the dust.." klaus whispered

"I have to talk with you Klaus" Josie says

Klaus looked around before him and Josie walked into one of the hallways.

"What is it?" Klaus asked

"Keep your voice down.. do you know if Hope hears this she will not only hate me.. but hate you too?" Josie yelled in a whisper.

"Just tell me what it is" Klaus whispered

"Someone is blackmailing us to break up and me and Hope plan to do so-"

"Are you two crazy?" Klaus yelled in a whisper

"Yea.. crazy in love.. and that's why I need your help with something" Josie points out.

"I'm listening.."


"This is the best photo of Hope that we ever took" Freya says in awe.

"Look at that cute little butt" Hayley teased

"You guys are gross.. leave me alone" Hope says as she tried to snatch the picture away from her aunt but her aunt moved it out of her reach.

"Not just yet little one, We haven't showed Josie yet" Freya teased

"Oh no you don't" Hope says as she jumped onto the couch trying to get the picture from her aunt.

"What's all this noise about?" Rebekah asked as she walked into the house.

"We are looking at hopes baby pictures.. aren't they cute?" Hayley teased as Freya held it up.

"Show that to Josie and I'll kill you all" Hope glared

"That's your father in you talking.. and it's not very nice at all" Rebekah teased

Klaus then walked in "what's not very nice?"

"Hope is threatening to kill us because we found a cute baby photo of her and we were going to show it to Josie." Freya explained

"I want to see" Josie says excitedly.

"No way!" Hope says as she got up from the couch.

"Here you go" Freya says as she handed Josie the photo as Hope shook her head in disappointment

"You're so cute!! Oh my gosh" Josie squealed

Hope rolled her eyes "enough teasing me already"

Josie took out her phone and she took a pictureb. Hope eyes widen as she ran to Josie. "No!" Hope groaned

"It's cute and I need it forever" Josie teased

Hope pouts as she crossed her arms

"Anyways.. I wanted to tell you all that we will be leaving tomorrow" Hayley admits

"What? No.. I haven't even been able to spend enough time with you beautiful people" Josie pouts

"It's okay sweetheart, we'll visit more" Rebekah assured

"What time are we leaving tomorrow?" Hope asked as she raised a brow

"We are leaving at 8 at night so we can arrive at like 5 in the morning, so your father can get down to his job by 7" Hayley says

"That sounds like a lot.." Hope points out

"I have an idea." Josie says

"Why don't you tell me this idea as we get started on that dinner" Hayley smiled

"Okay" Josie says as she walked over to the door to help Rebekah with the groceries

"Why don't we have a last family dinner around 6.. before we leave" Josie suggested

"That sounds like a plan" klaus smiled

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