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Josie dug her nails in to the back of hopes skin as whimpers let out her mouth as she tried to hold on for dear life.

"Hope please" Josie begged trying her best to stay quiet so no one could hear.

"Please what? I need you to use your words love.. you got be specific when it comes down to things like this.." Hope leaned her mouth down to Josie's ears.

"I want to make you feel good, I want to please every bit of you and I can't do that if I don't know exactly what you want" Hope whispered along Josie's ears.

Josie shut her eyes fearing to open them. "Better yet, guide me" hope gave josie her hand as Josie moved hopes hand down to her private area.

"That's good" Hope whispered as she bit her bottom lip.

Hope moved her fingers around Josie's area slightly teasing the girl. She could see how hard josie was pressing her teeth against her lips.


"Relax love, let me remind you.. who's in charge." Hope kissed on Josie's lower chin as she slipped her fingers slowly into Josie.

Josie let out a gasp as she gripped onto the sheets.

Hope smirked and leaned up a bit to suck the bottom of Josie's lip as Josie let out a soft and smooth moan.

"You're doing so good.." Hope whispered along Josie's lips as Josie shut her eyes tighter.


"I'm working on it love"

Josie sat up as she felt drenched in sweat. She looked down at her bed and could see it was soaked from all the sweat she caused.

"another sex dream?" Lizzie asked as she did her makeup in Josie's mirror

"No.."  josie lies

"Then what were you dreaming about?" Lizzie smirked as she turned to face Josie.

"Just hope.. she was exploring" Josie worded

"She was definitely exploring.. you should call her Dora the explorer then.. we both know you dreamt about her exploring that map of yours" Lizzie grinned as she turns around back to the mirror

Josie rolled her eyes "get out my room" Josie threw the pillow at Lizzie.

Lizzie dodged it and smirked "I'm going, I'm going, but no matter how hard you go back and try to revisit that gay ass dream, you won't be able to, trust me." Lizzie smirked before leaving out of Josie's room.

Josie took her other pillow and screamed into it before throwing her head back on the bed. She really needs to talk with hope .

She knew she needed to talk to hope and she knew she should have as soon as she found out about Danny but there was always something getting in the way of her and hope.

First on Tuesday, it was hope saying she needed to be some where and sprinting off before Josie could get the words out. And then it was on Wednesday at lunch time when Josie had the perfect time but then Danny sat next to hope and they started smiling together which made Josie jealous even though she knew it was nothing, she still didn't want anyone messing or even being around her girl.

Today is the day that she has to tell hope. It's now or never... well it's now or Friday, but you get the point.

Josie got up and decided to get ready to start her day.

She had to act fast because it was only an amount of time before Danny decided to brainwash hope.


Josie got in the car and made her way to school.

All she had on her mind was hope and how guilty she felt about not telling hope sooner.

Hope had every right to know that she had been spending time with someone that messed up her and Josie's relationship. Josie just didn't know what to say..

"So, hows you and the chump bucket?" Penelope asked

"It's shorty the explorer now" Lizzie joked

Jen snorted "like Dora the explorer?" Penelope asked as he raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah, apparently Josie was having a dream about hope exploring something of hers, I heard Dora explores jungles, wonder if that dream was about hope exploring Josie's" Lizzie teases

"Leave her alone babe, you're totally embarrassing her" Jen says.

Jen didn't know what they were talking about, she was high up on the stuff she took earlier but she wanted to feel apart of the conversation.

"I agree with Jen for once" Josie crosses her arms

"We would only be embarrassing you if  any of that you was true." Lizzie smirked

"Can we change the subject?" Josie asked as she sunk into the chair

"So how are you going to get your girl back?" Penelope asked

"I'm going to go tell her about Danny and then she's going to understand why I did what I did and then we can get back together and live happily always and forever" Josie smiled at her accomplishment.

Lizzie groaned as she made a left turn.
"Lame as fuck" Lizzie shook her head

"You gotta Martha Stewart that shit" Penelope says

"How does that even work?" Josie scoffed as she sat up in her seat.

"You gotta handle that shit like a business women, first you tell hope and then you pour out your love for her 'Oh hope, oh my dear hope.' Some shit like that and then you and her do that pucker up shit and then after that you both confront Danny and then boom! Tag team Danny ass like a power couple that y'all are" Lizzie smirked at her 'brilliant' idea.

"I just hope that Danny doesn't know that we know.. that way she can't do anything to harm Hope" Josie pouts


"I have to tell you something" Danny says as she walked up to hope. Hope pressed her lips into a thin line and raised her eyebrow.

"What is it that you have to tell me?" Hope asked as she slid her hand into her back pocket.

"I have to clear my name before someone else tries to do it for me.. just please don't be mad and think about where I'm coming from" Danny begged

Hope nodded "okay"

"Promise me?" Danny asked

"I give you my word" hope swore

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