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"Here is a psycho killer outside....please let us come in.....please" some girls shouted their lungs out and tried to enter The Paradise hotel, but failed by some pillar strong and equally clever lady security guards.

please" some girls shouted their lungs out and tried to enter The Paradise hotel, but failed by some pillar strong and equally clever lady security guards

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"The Paradise" it's not just the no.1 hotel of country but also a man made heaven on earth. Those who came here tells it is actually justifies its name and those who didn't come....well let's hope they will come soon.

"I seriously don't understand Lucas, this fans...from where they collect this kind of weird ideas. 'Serial killer' seriously???" A man wearing designer outfit was observing the incident through shining glass window from his second floor's manager office. Sipping his most precious Sprite...he sat back on his chair.

"But I don't think their weird ideas will be fruitful....we already took strong precautions" Lucas said, eyes on a file.

"Absolutely!!! I'm really impressed with your work as always. The wedding will be the talk of the decade" Manager of the hotel smiled.

"Yeah Mr. Jung I hope she likes everything cause she already changed the ballroom's decor three times, the lights on stage five times and photographer seventeen times" Lucas finally moved his eyes from the file.

"Well it's expected right! Marina Lee is the top model of country and our CEO'S friend" Hobi tried to cheer him.

"It's my last event in this hotel and I don't want any mistakes. Sir Min trusts me and sending me to our Daegu branch as a manager. I have to keep his trust" Lucas stood up.

"Here....the list of candidates for interview, I already sorted them. Hope you get the best vice manager who can replace me well" Lucas handed him the file.

Hobi was about to say something but interrupted by a knock on door.

"Sir......ms. Lee is looking for you. She wants to change the background music" a bellboy bowed and left.

"......now. Before one hour of wedding!" Lucas helplessly looked at Hobi.

"As we get to know that Supermodel Marina and actor Paul Kang is getting married in hotel Paradise today. Sources revealed that Ms. Marina is a close friend of CEO of hotel Paradise, probably this is the reason she chooses hotel Paradise for her special day. We will present every exclusive news of this heavyweight wedding........." media started reporting outside the hotel as they were not allowed inside. One but one VIP guests has appeared. CEO's family was also their. Lucas and standing with Hobi after solving each problem with patience. Everything was perfect, just the way the bride wants. Finally the bride appeared. She was looking stunning. The priest started to speak the vows.

"Do you take this man as your husband"

Marina was about say but interrupted by a cold yet powerful voice.

"No... she will not"

Everyone in the hall including the cauple searched the source of the voice.

Here he was the CEO of the Paradise hotel, himself Min Yoongi.......handsome as hell, eyes calmly scary, face unreadable but holding some unbearable power. Walked through the aisle in his cold aura.

"Don't marry him. He's cheating...." Yoongi said confirmly.

Marina was confused, looking at his friend as she knows his friend hate jokes. Everyone's attention immediately shifted on the groom.

"W...what....what.....you are....saying???it's.....it's absolutely not true.....he he's lying....am s...sure he has no.....prove" Paul tried to explain.

" Sweaty forehead and pulm, gulping throat are indications of nervousness...but why when both are alredy in love...?" The CEO asked calmly.

"I..I..."Paul shuttered.

"Why are you're shuttering badly Mr. Kang?" CEO asked frowning his eyes.

"Is it kind of joke Yoongi?.....sorry but bad timing" Marina said.

"From the moment you entered, he didn't even look at you for once when you were the most important priority of his life now....why? Instead his eyes were fixed on the left corner of the room" CEO told his friend.

"Listen....i...."Paul shuttered again

"Mr. Kang is there washing powder on your suit?" CEO pointed.

Marina came forward to check and looked at her friend cause he's correct

"....it...it's....no...no? Baby trust me...." Kang remove them and held her hand.

"Mr. Kang before CCTV footage makes it clear that exactly why when and with whom you were in my hotel's laundry room.....clear by yourself!!!!" CEO order this time with much more seriously.

Kang stood there silently. Marina looked at him with widened eyes waiting for explanation.

"I can't......marry you!!....yes I have a girlfriend. We are together for last five months" Paul said. Then pointed towards a beautiful girl who was standing in the left corner. Then went towards her, he held her hand and left. Marina stood there blankly.

Yoongi came to the balcony of one of his VIP suite with two bottles of chilled beer. Marina was sitting on the floor looking at the sky, still in her wedding dress.

" wants to tell how stupid I'm and how smart you're" she said without looking at Yoongi.

"But people call me psycho for the way I broke your wedding" Yoongi smiled.

He sat beside her on the floor "looking graceful" he offered her a bottle.

"Consoling???" She took the bottle lazily and smiled.

"complimenting "

She gave him a strange look.

" you're good at gracefulness, elegance. Do that.... don't waste your time for anyone"

"How do you know he's is with someone else???"

"You would too if you concentrated on him not on this decor and all...."

They started drinking silently. Marina looked at her bestfriend for some seconds.

"Yoongi....just imagine......I mean...if you and me....."

"Like I said don't waste time on something useless. " Yoongi finished his bottle.

"Love, relationships, marriage all are important and you need them in....."

"Ok I'm tired.....good night" Yoongi stood up.

"Ok.....I'll wait for the right time... then will see what will you do when you will find your love"

"There is noone for me!!!"

"Aaaaachuuuu" a psychiatrist sneezed in his chamber.

Thanks for reading......
Hey guys hope you will like it.....
My first #yoonmin story and don't forget to comment....

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