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Ceo of Paradise hotel on high speed towards his car...talking with someone on airpods. He didn't notice three people at garden looking at him wordlessly. A house staff following him with his luggage.

He di sconnected the call and turned back hearing a soft voice.

"For How many days....???" Grandma asked worriedly

Yoongi knows this face very well... whenever he goes out of town his Grandma becomes worried like this. He doesn't want that....

"......I'll back tonight" he replied holding her wrinkled hand.

"Take care.... and don't get hyper" she caressed his face.

"...um Yooni....I...don't want to disturb but...we have two interviews today...for house keeper and assistant manager remember" Hobi asked slowly.

"....yeah...I remember and I know you will handle..." Yoongi said.

"...me???...how can I hire someone...I'm not ow..." he interrupted by Yoongi

"Don't say that....you know I have given you all the rights...so please"

Yoongi side hugged Grandma.

"....and if you think.... you need help you can take Grandma with you....what say?" Yoongi smirked.

"Me...???.never...I've retired long ago...no" Grandma shook his head.

"Why you're authority.....and you want to search some for your young Grand son....how will you...if you don't go outs ide..." Yoongi wishperd.

He started walking towards car again.

"Paid that psychiatrist for today's appointment Jacky" Yoongi entered the car.

"Are you going for seriously....? Teresa asked her mother who was organizing her bag.

"Ok I'll drop you come...." Jin said

"No dear you will get late beside I have to buy gift for my Taebear so....I'll go myself" grandma smiled

"Don't mom... he already has a lot" Teresa said.

"He is returning" Grandma smiled.

"By the way what you want to give him?" Jin asked.

"...a perfume"

Grandma entered a polished elegant perfume store of a huge shopping mall. It was near lunch time the store was almost crowdless. Only two employees were there. The employees welcomed her warmly.

"How can I help you mam?" The girl employees asked.

"Show me something exotic....unique"

The girl was helping her smell different type of fragrance but she was not liking them.

"Try this one mam it's....mixed with lavender and chamomile...." the male employee was about to leave as his shift was done but watching the older lady...he came with a perfume to help her.

She really liked that smell it was unique. She decided to buy it. The girl went to pack it when the male was leaving....Suddenly she felt something suffocation and within some seconds it turned breathlessness. She fell on the sofa and started gulping badly. Two employees immediately ran to her. They didn't understand what was going.

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