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The most awaited marriage has broken!!!!"

"The CEO himself broke his friend's wedding....?"

"Why Kang Paul left last moment???"

"Why the CEO broke his own friend's marriage? Is there any secret relationship between them?"

"The rumor that CEO is mentally unstable is true? That's why he broke the marriage....."

"Did he takeany revenge?"

These questions banged in Yoongi's ear as he entered Min mansion with his bestfriend Hobi. It was not hard for him to guess what would be his family's reaction after hearing all these questions. He was guessing right. His family was sitting in there huge living area in front of a large TV and the moment he kept his steps inside, all the eyes immediately captured him like prey and got ready to attack him with questions.

His....'family'....well he really couldn't find much differences from circus. He doesn't understand from where they collect their thoughts, their points of view and endless energy to make dramas everyday!!!

"Are they serious?......revenge!!!!" Hobi said shockingly.

"This kind of negative thoughts are very dangerous....all you need to do is meditation...just follow me in my meditation class and all your anger stress will gone......" his elder cousein brother the principal of Heritage High College Namjoon suggested.

"Don't listen to his useless talk you will get stretche marks...and In case you're planning to date her......please tell her to take care of her wrinkles. Although she tried to hide but I have seen" his brother in law Jin informed proudly as if he is a secret agent and has found out something serious.

"No no I don't want to waste time..... Hobi dear fix an wedding date. He will marry Marina as soon as possible what say Teresa? " his grandmother said worriedly.

"Ofcorse...but before that Yoongi....tell me what were they doing in laundry room??" His gossip queen aunt Teresa asked him excitedly.

"He saved a girl's life.....don't you guys think he deserves some appreciation...." His uncle Kim Jinhae entered on wheelchair with his physiotherapist Jackson Wang.

In this whole circus....mean family only he is the one who is normal according to Yoongi. The ex principal and present trustee of Heritage High College is not only normal but an experience mature and wise person and an well known author also. Yoongi always seeks for his advice wherever he needs. The man never disappoints him. He loves Yoongi like his own son. He was the one who gave his almost all savings when Yoongi went abroad for study without thinking about his future. And now when that guy has enough he has bought the college and made him head trustee. Even two years ago when he had lost his leg Yoongi hired Seoul's most famous physiotherapist Jackson Wang for him. But now regrets it...he should hire someone else cause this physio is another member of that circus.

"That's I told...he needs a psychiatrist immediately before something major can happen...you know guys I know a very talented psychiatrist..not only talented he is beautiful and......."

"Your shift is over right.....what are you doing here still?" Yoongi finally said regretting one more time.

"Hey Joon your brother is rude man!.....but you know I didn't mind anything....I will stay here" Jackson said Namjoon his bestfriend.

Noone cared to react as Jackson stays in Min mansion most of the days. Yoongi has no problem with that cause he always wants to keep his love ones together...with him...like an unbreakable family. His unpleasant past made him like this.

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