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"I don't know he is your cousin Aliya,
And........I can live with or without him, don't come rubbing my past on my face just because of a man." Zahra'u say as she pick her things that Aliya throw out of her bedroom.

"I don't care,
What makes you think you will even be a part of his life, you are nothing but a street girl, only God knows what and how many men you've slept with before you have this your illegitimate daughter, you think ya Abba will marry you?
Then you are dreaming big indeed." Aliya say with a hiss and Zahra'u just stare at her with the clothes in her hand.

"Aliy......zahra'u try to explain but Aliya enter her bedroom and slam the door shut making Zahra'u to sigh.

Bashir left earlier promising to come pick Zahra'u tomorrow morning so they will leave, he was straightforward with Aliya and told her Zahra'u was his fiancée,
Sure she and bashir are related her dad is his late mum elder brother and he make most of the decision that's why when he told Bashir he want him to marry Aliya he didn't decline because he have a high respect for him, but with Zahra'u back in the picture now aliya knows she will rather kiss goodbye to her dream of ever getting married to Bashir.

Zahra'u sigh and pick the remaining few clothes tarred on the compound and enter her bedroom.

" Bashir that girl is......you can't marry her, you are in love but don't be stupid in love please, I understand you have an empathy or whatsoever for her but your health should always come first remember. "Sadiq say and bashir shake his head.

" I cannot even believe this is coming out of your mouth, I will be with Zahra'u in sickness or in health in as much she want to be with me i will be with her, nobody chooses to be a victim,
She's also deserve a good life and i will give her that, I can't even believe she's been in this town all this while."Bashir say and his friend shake his head.

The two are currently sitting in an eatery, sadiq is happy that bashir is willing to help Zahra'u and doesn't have problem with his friend meddling in her life but he's just worried, Zahra'u is a Hepatitis B patient aside that she's a HIV victim the fact that She's been infected for a while without her even knowing got sadiq worried and bashir just seem OK with it which got him worried.

"I'm just looking out for you Bashir, as your friend and doctor, you know very well you aren't very healthy yourself you can't start jumping into relationship with this type of girl even talking about marriage, it's unhealthy and unsafe what kind of children do you want to produce." Sadiq say and bashir snort.

"Whatever you want to say sadiq,
This things are treatable or manageable right and it won't affect our daily activities if we want to marry?" Bashir say and sadiq shake his head knowing how persistent his friend can be if he want something.

"Goodluck with it Bashir,
Make sure you do genotype before the wedding."sadiq say giving up in convincing bashir.

" how long before mamah can get a transplant? "Bashir ask and sadiq sigh.

" she's just one year and her donor will have to be a teenager it's hard to find donor she will have to depend on dialysis for a while in all honesty. "Sadiq say sipping the glass of water.

" OK,
I will have to speak to my uncle about the marriage with Aliya daman ni ba sonta nakeyi ba"Bashir say standing up as he glance at his wrist watch.

"What time are you leaving tomorrow?" Sadiq ask standing up and bashir sigh.

"Preferably anything 12pm but you know how this business meetings are." Bashir say as they both head to the exit.

Once outside the two go there separate ways bashir contemplating wether or not to go check on Zahra'u before he retired to rest in his hotel room.

The night seems longer than usual for Zahra'u mostly because she spend it arranging her things with her daughter's, there's a part of her that want to stay because she doesn't want her relationship with bashir to be the reason she will loss her friendship with Aliya, she drop the suitcase by the bed and glance at her daughter that's sleeping, bashir is the only man she can trust not to judge her by her past, he will give her the life she's been wanting to have and be an amazing father to her daughter, she stand up to shower and there's a heavy knock on her burglary making her to jerk in frighten.

"Maman mama it's Hashim." The voice say and Zahra'u glance at the wall clock showing 12:20am making her to quickly open her bedroom door and grab the burglary keys from the kitchen.

"What happen?" Zahra'u say unlocking the black metallic door.

"Bashir had an accident someone just  called me from the hospital he want to see you, I have come with the rickshaw hurry up let's go." Bashir say as Zahra'u feel her entire body trembling, she quickly head to the bedroom and grab her daughter and exit the bedroom as Hashim lock the burglary door before meeting up with Zahra'u who's already at the gate.

"Who called you?
Are you sure it's him?" Zahra'u say as Hashim collect mamah who's now awake and enter the rickshaw muttering the hospital address to the rickshaw driver.

"I think it's the doctor that usually do mamahs dialysis session, I don't know but he seems urgent i was at work and have to come as soon as i can." Hashim say and Zahra'u stay quiet.

Praying silently to herself as she stare at the busy road, Zahra'u hope nothing happen to Bashir, she feel like she's this badluck in peoples life whenever she comes into anyone's life problems always arise, she's toxic and all she brings to peoples life is badluck.

"Zahra'u." Hashim call snapping her out of her thought and she quickly come down and instantly rush inside the hospital.

Zahra'u quickly saunter to the ER and there's just soo many people outside she penetrate through the crowded ward searching for the familiar fave but couldn't spot him, she exit the ER just in time she run into Dr sadiq.

"Maman mamah." Sadiq say with a sigh as Zahra'u give him a hopefull impatient look.

"Where is he?" Zahra'u ask and sadiq just slightly brush her arm with a sigh.

"He tried Zahra'u and I'm sorry." Sadiq say with a sigh and Zahra'u try to process the information, it's too much for her to process and she instantly crumble to the floor loosing consciousness.

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