Car Ride Home

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Wonyoung exhaled and dropped her arms down on either side of her, her phone bouncing out of her hand and onto the mattress. Since last night, she couldn't help but wonder how the night may have played out if Yujin's girlfriend hadn't shown up. They were definitely having a moment— at least it felt that way to Wonyoung, even if she didn't know what kind of moment it was.

She wasn't even sure why she was even thinking about it still. It lasted all of five minutes. Plus, Yujin had a girlfriend. She wasn't sure why that mattered either. She was just her tutor, after all. They weren't even friends, not really.

Despite all that, when she received a text that evening, she half expected (half hoped) it was Yujin. When it turned out to be Sullyoon, she didn't really care one way or another. Sure she liked Sullyoon well enough, she had fun with her, but that was it.

Sullyoon: I'll look for you at the zeta party ;)

Wonyoung: won't be there

Sullyoon: aww :( just in case you change your mind

Sullyoon: (...Incoming photo...)

That was when Wonyoung dropped her phone and sighed. It had been a while since she had spent time with any of her study buddies. Except for Yujin. But that was different, they actually studied. Also, Sullyoon did have on quite the outfit. It would be a shame for it to go to waste.

"You guys sure you don't want to come?" Yujin walked into the kitchen, tucking some hair behind her ear and going straight for the package of cookies on the counter.

"Yeah," Rei shrugged and nodded at Yujin, asking for a cookie, "Liz was being weird and said something about Kai and art and naked. I'm not sure if it was an actual sentence or if her brain was short-circuiting, but I think we are just going to stay in and order pizza and watch a movie or something."

"Well, I may be home early and join you." Yujin shoved a whole cookie in her mouth and still managed to pout.

"Trouble in paradise?" Rei chuckled and took a bite of her cookie.

"Tell me what to do?" Yujin whined, slumping over onto the counter.

As if on cue, Gaeul knocked twice on the apartment door before opening it and letting herself in. Yujin immediately stood up, eyes wide looking at Rei, while she just stifled a laugh.

"Hey Jinnie, you ready?" Gaeul walked in and wrapped her arms around Yujin in a hug.

It was awkward. Everyone in the room felt it.

"Uh yeah, let me just grab my phone." Yujin forced a smile and disappeared down the hall towards her room. She walked into her bedroom and shut the door behind her, leaning her back up against it and letting out a sigh.

What was up with her? She was looking forward to this party. She needed a break, desperately. She's been staring at a computer screen and textbooks so much for midterms she's sure her brain has started to melt. And earlier that day, she had actually been looking forward to spending it with Gaeul.

After whatever had happened the night before at Liz's art midterm thing, Yujin thought about her relationship with Gaeul. She even made a pros and cons list. No joke. Ultimately she realized that Gaeul was a great girlfriend— caring, smart, driven, thoughtful, and the list went on. She figured whatever awkwardness or distance that had been building was just because of stress, and a party was the perfect way to get over that.

So why as soon as she was around Gaeul, did things feel so off still? She had made up her mind to make it work. So why wasn't it working?

Yujin grabbed her phone and mentally talked herself back into giving it a go and not letting the small things bug her, to focus on the great things and just have a good time. Reconnect. So as soon as she was back in the kitchen with Rei and Gaeul, who were doing everything possible to not talk or even look at each other, Yujin laced her hand with Gaeul's and greeted her with a kiss.

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