Black and White

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"Everything ok, Wonyoung?" Liz asked, gripping her pencil nervously.

"Fine." Wonyoung replied flatly, pressing another hard line across her page.

"Alright." Liz responded hesitantly, turning back to her sketch pad with a frown.

Their model for the day hadn't shown up so their professor had told them to draw whatever they wanted that day. So far Liz had a few lines and swirls. She was realizing art was not one of her talents.

Wonyoung's eyes focused on the page in front of her, her pencil leaving a thick line across it. She started mumbling to herself as she used the edge to draw in the shading along the edges. Stepping back she let out a sigh as she set her pencil down and let her eyes scan the page.

What had started out as a lazy doodle had morphed into something else entirely. The longer she sat there, the more she thought about the night before. What she felt, somehow making itself seen on the page in front of her.

The left of the page held the shape of a door. The pencil marks smooth and light creating the large frame. The door was shut but bleeding through the cracks of the door was the image of light. Fighting to pierce through the barrier, the glow pressing against the frame and splintering through the cracks, like its purpose was to break free and shed light on the rest of the drawing.

The right side of the page was the image of a woman. Dark hair, loose curls, dark eyes. She was surrounded by darkness. Dim shadows of varying shades of grey, swirling around her. The shades of grey darkening and sharpening near the edges. Shadows turning into piercing darkness, seeming to be consuming the woman, trying to pull her into the blackness surrounding her. Sharp spires reaching for her, holding her back as her arm reached out for the door, desperate to let the light in.

Liz stood from her place behind her sketch pad and stepped over behind Wonyoung, taking in her drawing.

"Wonyoung, that's—"

"I think I messed up." Wonyoung cut her off, ripping the page from her sketch book and crumpling it in her hands.

Liz watched with a concerned look as Wonyoung threw the crumpled page into the trash can behind them and dropped down on her stool.

"On.. on the drawing?" Liz asked hesitantly.

"No." Wonyoung sighed. "With Yujin."

"Oh sweetie." Liz frowned, "What happened?"

Wonyoung brought her pencil up to the blank page and started drawing again. "I fell in love with the stars. Then wanted the stars to admire me back."


"Ugh." Yujin groaned as she walked into the apartment, "I think I messed up." She dropped her bag on the floor and walked to the couch, dropping of the arm to land face first in the cushion.

"Uhh, care to elaborate?" Rei asked from the table, homework spread out in front of her.

"With Wonyoung." Yujin mumbled into the cushion before pushing herself up. She pulled off her coat and threw it over by her bag and leaned back into the couch, letting her head drop back against the back rest.

Rei shut her textbook and clasped her hands together on top of it, giving her attention to Yujin completely.

"She won't respond to my texts and she didn't show up for tutoring today." Yujin lifted her head and looked over at Rei.

"I thought things were fine at fake thanksgiving?"

"They were!" Yujin leaned forward, throwing her arms out in frustration. "So.. what happened?" Rei leaned their chin into their hand lazily.

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