Chapter 21

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My mother and father left shortly after that and Trey took me back to my trailer in a shiny, silver BMW with a surprising amount of leg room so I could put on some of my own clothes. I didn't mind wearing his because they smelled like him but I couldn't go hunting in too big basketball shorts and a T-shirt with no bra on. Trey parked the BMW next to my truck and followed me inside, pulling the door closed behind him. My jacket was still lying where I'd tossed it, the back completely blown out, nothing but shreds of leather and black satin lining. There was no way I'd be able to patch that. Looks like I was going to be buying a new one.

"I'll make coffee," he said before I could ask him. "You get dressed."

"Thanks." I stopped next to him and stood on my toes to kiss his cheek before I dropped my face to his neck, inhaling his scent and pulling it deep inside. He rumbled out a sound that almost sounded like a purr as his big, hot hands wrapped around my waist and pulled me up against him. My arms went up around his neck without any input from me, fingers digging into his hair as his hands slid underneath the T-shirt and up my back. His lips found mine in a devouring kiss, our tongues tangling, teeth nipping at lips as desire rose up inside of me on the wings of his own desire. He dropped his mouth from mine and licked his way down to the mark he'd given me, heat flowing in the wake of his lips and tongue. I shivered against him as he pulled the neck of the T-shirt out of the way so he could nibble me there. I pressed my body against his, wishing there were no barriers between us as I let my walls slip a little. Need and want poured into me, echoing my own, filling me with liquid heat and making me shiver.

"Han," he breathed against my skin. "I need you." The gods help us both but I needed him, too. It was a desperate, bone deep need. I never wanted to let him go.

"Well, since we are engaged, I guess you better take me." He chuckled and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist so he could carry me to the bed. I laughed when he dropped me on it and I bounced a little before he fell on top of me, trapping me in his arms. He rolled us so I was on top, my body stretched out over his. We lay chest to chest and I could feel his heart beating as quickly as mine. He smiled up at me and it was like the sun coming out after the longest night. It broke my heart but in the best way possible. Where had he been my whole life? How had I survived so long without him and his smile and those spectacular eyes staring up at me like I hung the moon and the stars? I never wanted to be without him, without his eyes and his smile. I was never letting him go.

"You're so beautiful, baby," he murmured as he pushed my hair out of my face.

"You're not too shabby yourself," I said with my own smile.

We made quick work of getting the rest of the clothes out of the way before I grabbed his hard length and guided him into me. We groaned out together as I began to move, me riding him and taking him in as deeply as I could with each slow thrust. His fingers dug into my hips, urging me into a faster rhythm, his hips rising up to meet mine as they came down. I curled my fingers into his chest, digging the tips into his hard muscles. His silver eyes never left mine, holding me captive in their mercury depths, everything he was feeling there for me to see just as I could feel it through our bond.

I knew he loved me. It was right there in his eyes. It made me warm in a way that nothing else ever had in my long life. And I already loved him back with a force that took my breath away. He was mine just as I was his and nothing was going to change that. In his arms, I'd finally found my home, the place that I belonged. I'd been so stupid to think I could walk away from him.

He curled up to a sit, long, strong arms wrapping around me and holding me close while we continued to move together in perfect sync. His lips found mine, breath mingling with mine while he kissed me like I was the most precious, fragile thing in the world. It was a sweet, tender kiss that brought tears to my eyes and made my throat feel tight, that kiss telling me what his eyes had been but his voice didn't. I didn't need the words, though. This intimacy meant more to me than any words could have and I did my best to make him feel the same. I hadn't had a lot of tenderness in my life and it was almost overwhelming to have it now. To feel loved, to feel it from someone like Trey, was a dream come true that I didn't deserve. I didn't deserve him. But I was never going to let him go.

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