Chapter 1: Not Yet

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Note: I never thought this story would make it into a second book but here we are! Thanks to everyone who has a stuck around and I hope you enjoy!

PS- If you haven't read the first book in A Light in the Dark, please do that or this story will be confusing. Thanks!

Trigger Warning: Mentions of sexual assault in this chapter.

School began, but not as usual. The year felt darker, more depressing than ever as Voldemort grew more powerful. At the first meal in the great hall, the room was radiating with chatter from students, wondering why they were searched before being allowed into Hogwarts. Dumbledore soon rose from his seat, causing the hall to immediately fill with silence.

"If I may have your attention," Dumbledore said as he gazed across the hall, seeing all the concerned faces in the crowd. "Now, we have a few changes in staffing this year: my dear friend, Horace Slughorn, a previous teacher here, will be returning to us as Potions Master."

Horace stood from his seat, giving a small smile and wave to the crowd of students as they all gave small claps. But it also left many students curious as to where Severus fit into this, as he had been the potions master for many years.

Severus gazed around, seeing the curious, confused faces in the crowd before his eyes drifted to the professors' table, spotting Laura at the opposite end, next to Hagrid. He stole a glance at Laura, whose eyes jumped to him, and she gave him a faint smile, a smile that didn't meet her eyes, as if she was just trying to appease Severus.

But he knew she wasn't happy. He just didn't know why. He knew something was wrong, but Laura wouldn't tell him. Not yet.

Not yet.

Severus's eyes soon focused back on the students, finding amusement over their confused faces. "And the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape," Dumbledore told the group. The reactions from the students were mixed: some of them (mostly Slytherins) cheered, while others groaned in annoyance or looked terrified.

But Severus expected that.

Dumbledore's voice faded from Severus's mind as he was pulled violently into his own thoughts, drowning in his worries. Dumbledore began to speak of the return of the Dark Lord and hearing those words forced Severus to face a horrible reality, a horrible reminder:

That he would be the one to kill Albus Dumbledore.

Severus shook his head, wishing to shake the thoughts from his mind as Dumbledore's words filled his brain again. "Tom Riddle has returned and at this very moment, dark forces attempt to penetrate the walls of this castle..."

The air was solemn that evening, as many students realized how powerful Voldemort was becoming, growing stronger and stronger by the day. Even Severus felt somber, wondering what the near future would hold. Hell, he couldn't help but wonder what the distant future would hold.

Would he even be alive to see it? Would Laura?

Severus spent most of dinner zoned out, lost in his thoughts before Dumbledore, yet again, interrupted him, but Dumbledore was signaling that dinner had come to an end.

Severus watched the students and teachers rise from their seats as prefects began escorting newly admitted students to their appropriate houses. Staff followed soon after, with Laura behind all of them. Severus took the moment to catch up to Laura, gently grabbing her arm, holding her back. "Will you come to my chambers this evening?" Severus whispered, not wanting anyone else to hear.

Laura's eyes darted worriedly before looking at Severus. "Uh... actually, I have some work to do in mine." Laura said quietly. "Can I pop by tomorrow?"

Severus looked at her, feeling confused, but he gave her a small nod. How did Laura already have work to do?

Love is Chaos Part 2 of A Light in the Dark (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now