Chapter 8: Silver, Opals, and Wedding Jitters

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Author's Note: I know this story isn't the most popular one on this site, but I do enjoy writing it, and want to thank the people that continue to read it. It's been a rough few months, and a lot of my notes/new chapters were lost, so I've been having to rewrite a lot of it, but thank you for your patience. And I hope you continue to enjoy it. :) 

PS: Smut ahead.

Severus sleepily woke early in the morning, having no desire to get out of bed. He turned on his side, feeling comfortable beneath the warm blankets, seeing Laura sleeping peacefully next to him. He stared at her, feeling relief that the rain had ceased over the past few weeks, and Laura seemed at peace, getting her powers under control.

Once the rain was gone, the temperature dipped, and soon after, snow began to fall, signaling that the winter holidays were well on their way.

But more importantly, it signaled there was a wedding on its way.

Laura didn't seem jittery over the wedding, but Severus did... and he knew why.

Because of his lies. He wanted to marry Laura and be with her for the rest of his life. He knew all of her truth, while Laura only had snippets of his own, only capturing bits and pieces floating in the pool of lies he drowned her in. Laura didn't know the entire truth and she certainly didn't know what was going to be coming within the next few months.

"Why are you staring at me?"

Severus snapped out of his thoughts, seeing Laura looking at him, sleep still in her eyes. "Because you're beautiful," he said softly.

Laura scoffed. "Yeah, right." She tried to sit up, but Severus yanked her back down, wrapping an arm around her, keeping her from getting out of bed.


"We have to get up," Laura told him, squirming in his grasp. "We have class, remember?"

Severus groaned, not wanting to get up and face the dunderheads he was forced to teach. He always dreaded teaching, but today would be at least a little more bearable knowing Laura would be working with him in his classes. "Are you in all of my classes today?"

Laura shook her head. "Just your afternoon ones."

"Well, how about we skip morning classes, then?" Severus asked with a playful smirk, burying his face in Laura's neck.

We can't—" Laura gasped, feeling Severus's lips against her skin. "Severus, seriously..."

"Doesn't it sound nice to stay in bed?" Severus asked in between kisses against her neck. "There are all sorts of things we could do."

A moan slipped from Laura's mouth as Severus continued his assault against her skin. "It... does," she breathed. "But we can't." Laura gently pushed Severus off, causing him to lie on his back.

Laura leaned over, gently kissing him before she sat up. "We can do some of those things tonight."

"You're going to make me wait all day?" Severus asked playfully.

Laura laughed softly before sliding out of bed and walking to Severus's side, kissing him. "I promise it'll be worth it." Laura smiled mischievously, as if she knew something Severus didn't before she disappeared into the bathroom.

Severus sighed, slumping down in the bed, throwing a pillow over his face. He dozed off, not realizing he had until Laura removed the pillow from his face. "Tired?" she asked with concern.

"A bit," Severus said quietly.

A bit was an understatement, considering Severus was plagued by guilt over his lies.

Love is Chaos Part 2 of A Light in the Dark (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now