Chapter 3: A Faraway Place

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Severus trudged along, reaching the dungeons after a long morning of teaching. It was early afternoon as his stomach began filling with nerves, wondering what Dumbledore had in mind to invade Laura's thoughts. It took a while for Severus to make it to the dungeons and even though his chambers were nearby, a place he used to find comfort in, he couldn't help but feel annoyed, knowing how far they were from Laura's.

He wondered if Dumbledore had planned for their chambers to be so far apart on purpose.

Severus walked slowly through the hall, turning into the potions room, finding Laura working at a desk, writing, completely oblivious to Severus's presence as she sat alone in the classroom.

A playful smirk filled Severus's face as he quietly crept up, slipping into the seat next to her, grateful no one was in the room. "Hi, darling."

"Jesus!" Laura yelped, quill leaping from her hand in her surprise, hitting the floor with a clink. "You scared me!"

The little smirk on Severus's face only grew as amusement filled his chest. "Sorry."

"You're not sorry," Laura said with a small chuckle, gently nudging him in the shoulder. Severus watched Laura stand, moving to a bookshelf, putting her things away. "I didn't think you'd come down here."

"I saw Slughorn upstairs," Severus told her. "I thought I'd be able to see you undetected and then I can follow you to the headmaster's office."


Severus nodded. "Not many people know we're together. It's not like I can hold your hand all the way there."

Severus watched Laura, growing concerned when a small, sad smile filled her face as she looked at him from near the shelf. "What is it?" Laura looked at him questioningly. "You look upset," Severus said. Laura didn't say anything, and Severus held his hand out, beckoning her to him. She slowly moved to Severus, who gently grabbed her hand, pulling her into his lap. "Something's wrong."

"It's stupid," Laura said quietly, avoiding Severus's gaze.

Severus felt concern growing in his chest and he gently grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at him. "Tell me."

"Do you think there will ever be a time where we aren't hiding our relationship here?" Laura asked. "I mean... I know we aren't exactly a secret, but it feels like it here. What happens when we get married? Are you still going to want to hide?"

Severus stared at Laura, thinking about her questions. "It's not that I want to hide," Severus said quietly, not taking his eyes away from her, watching her face fill with curiosity. "The students will think poorly of you when they find out we're together." Severus finally broke his gaze, feeling embarrassed.


"Do you know how many of the Slytherin boys I've had to threaten to stop talking about you?" Severus asked. "Do you know how many of them have whispered to each other, talking about the lucky git that gets to go to bed with you?" Severus questioned. "You're every boy's fantasy here. And I know it's not just boys in my house saying things like that. And the girls look up to you. You'll be ruined when they find out you're marrying me. You'll be despised like I am."

Laura's eyes instantly softened. "You aren't despised," Laura whispered. "And I'm not their fantasy."

"Yes, you are," Severus told her, his gaze falling away from her. "You were mine for a long time... even before we were together. You still are my fantasy."

Laura's brow furrowed and amusement filled her face. "Oh really?"

"I had... dreams about you for a while." Severus sighed, wondering if he should have revealed that little tidbit of the dreams he had had about her in the past.

Love is Chaos Part 2 of A Light in the Dark (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now