Chapter 13: A Game of Quidditch

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Happy holidays! Spice ahead... enjoy!

 "Have you ever actually been to a Quidditch Game?" Severus asked as he buttoned up his shirt.

Laura shook her head as she sat on the bed, rubbing lotion on her arms. "I've never really been into sports. Even when I lived around muggles in America, they were obsessed with football. They would have Superbowl Sunday and I watched it once. I had no idea what was going on. There were some interesting commercials, though. Some people only watched for the commercials."

Severus cocked his head, a look of confusion growing on his face as he stared at her.

"What?" Laura asked when she noticed the look on his face.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Severus said. "Superbowl Sunday? How can a bowl be super? And commercials? I thought muggles hated commercials?"

Laura opened her mouth, as if she were going to say something, before she shook her head and closed her mouth, realizing it was going to confuse Severus more if she tried to explain this. "Never mind," she told him. "Anyway, you can't really fault me for not seeing a quidditch game because during my first year here, the Triwizard Tournament was going and then the following year, Umbridge replaced me."

"Fair point," Severus said before he picked up Laura's scarf, gently wrapping it around her neck, making sure she was warm. "Well, now you get to go sit in freezing weather, get pelted by ice and snow, and watch kids fly back and forth on brooms."

"You make it sound so exciting," Laura said with a soft chuckle.

Severus smiled warmly before he took Laura's arm, rolling up her sleeve. "The mark looks better," he murmured, seeing that the awful, dark red lines that had plagued Laura's arm were fading away, almost like they would one day disappear, like they were never there, like a memory warping into a faded, bad dream. "Do they still hurt?"

Laura shook her head. "It seems like they're healing well."

"And nothing strange has happened since?" Severus asked. It had been a few weeks since Severus had found the marks on Laura's arm and it seemed like, at least for now, that things were getting better.

"No," she told him. "I've been being careful about using my magic. I'm not pushing myself as hard anymore and it seems like the marks were a warning of sorts to not lose control."

"Good," Severus said. "Because I don't want there to be any secrets between us anymore."


"I know," Laura told him with a soft smile. "No more secrets. I promise."

A small smile cracked on Severus's face as they finished bundling up, heading for the quidditch stadium.

They eventually got to their seats, sitting with the other professors as the cold air filled their lungs. Despite it being late March, there was still a chill to the air, and ice and snow poured from the sky, pelting everyone in the stands.

"So, who are you rooting for, Laura? Slytherin or Gryffindor?" Minerva asked from the seat behind Laura.

Laura turned around and smiled. Severus watched Laura, a soft smirk on his face as he raised his eyebrow, wondering if she would pick her husband's house or Minerva's.

"Uh... I support all the houses and teams and students...unbiasedly," Laura told both Severus and Minerva. "I support them both."

"How diplomatic," Severus said sarcastically.

Laura looked at Minerva with a smirk on her face. "I'd be tempted to say Gryffindor, but I might be sleeping on the couch tonight if I did and I really hate sleeping on the couch."

Love is Chaos Part 2 of A Light in the Dark (Severus Snape x OC)Where stories live. Discover now