155 ; the battle of hogwarts

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you narrow your now [eye colour] eyes at snape, a simple charm changed your stand-outish yellow eyes to [eye colour] ones.

your blonde hair was tied into a neat, low ponytail. your slytherin cloak over the top of your clothes. nobody would suspect it was you.

"it's come to my attention that earlier this evening... harry potter was sighted in hogsmeade"

everyone gasps, muttering to each other.

"harry potter?" you whisper to the person next you as to blend in.

"now.. should anyone.. student or staff, attempt to aid mr. potter.. they will be punished.. in a manner consistent with the severity of their transgression. furthermore.. any person found to have knowledge of these events.. who fails to come forward.. will be treated as equally guilty. now then.." snape steps down from the top.

"..if anyone here.. has any knowledge of mr. potter's movements this evening.."

you look down.

"i invite them sto step forward.. now"

everyone gasps and murmurs as harry steps out of the crowd.

"it seems, despite your exhaustive defensive strategies.. you still have a bit of a security problem, headmaster. and i'm afraid it's quite extensive"

the whole order and a few others walks through the door, you skip over to them, pulling your hair out and fixing your eye colour.

"how dare you stand where he stood? tell them how it happened that night. tell them how you looked him in the eye, a man who trusted you, and killed him. tell them"

snape whips out his wand and everyone gasps, stepping back. but mcgonagall stands in front of him.

you all hold up your wands.

mcgonagall fires the first spell, snape blocks. she continues.

the two death eaters behind snape get hit by the spell, falling to the ground.

snape flies about and out the window, you frown.

"coward!" mcgonagall shouts.

everyone cheers, even a few slytherins.

your remove the slytherin coat from yourself.

mcgonagall puts the lights back.

you smile slightly.

harry suddenly sits on the ground.

there was a sudden rumbling, an eerie feel filling the room.

all of a sudden, a girl starts to scream. then another one. and another one.

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