4. Smells like Teen Spirit

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I am rolling around in my bed, not wanting to get up. Rebekah comes in and jumps on my bed, "Wake up, Melissa!" She starts hitting me with a pillow until I wake up. "Okay, I'm up now. So, why are you up at six am?" I ask.

"Because I want to do something today and you're the only person I like in this town." She comes and sits next to me. "What about Stefan?" I question, "He hasn't given me the time of day. So, I want you to get dressed because we are going to high school." She cheered in excitement, I on the other hand hated high school. College was more of my style.

"Please for your best friend." She begged, she gives me her puppy dog face and I cave in.

"Fine, I will go to high school with you, but I'm not happy about it." I say to her and then get up and get dressed. I decide to wear a graphic tee, some blue jeans and a pair of combat boots. I walk downstairs with Rebekah to see Stefan feeding on some brunettes and getting blood everywhere.

"Alexandria, left hand please." Stefan said to girl as he bit her wrist.

Damon says "It looks like the two brunettes owe me a rug." I walked over the the bodies on the stairs and Stefan turned his head to Damon.

"No, they us a rug brother. You seem to forget I live here too, Would you like to spin?" He chuckled.

"So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect the Dopplebitch." I said to him.

"These ladies are helping me be all that I can be." He then he went back to drinking the girl's blood. Damon turned and glared at Rebekah. "So, this is Klaus's sister?" He questioned while looking at her.

"Be nice, Damon."

"Why should I? She is part of the reason why Tyler Lockwood is a hybrid."

"Oh, come on Damon. Don't act like you actually give a damn about what happens to the wolf boy."

"Whatever and can you stop calling Elena, Doppelbitch?" He looks at me with a concerning look and I just laughed.

"No, it suits her." I smirk at him. "Now, if you don't mind I am going to show my friend the joys of high school." I faked smiled as Rebekah glared at me.

"I thought you hated high school?" He asked with a surprised look on his face.

"I do, but Rebekah wants to. Now, I have to go." I wave to Damon and he waves back at me. Me and Rebekah get into my car, she asked if she could drive and I said yes, so we went off.

"How do you know Damon?"

"I meet him in the 60's in California during College, What high school are we going to?"

"The school that Stefan went to: Mystic Falls High School" Rebekah says and with that I hit my head with my hand and groan. "Doesn't the Doppelbitch go there?" She just laughs at me.

"You aren't serious right now! Are you?" Rebekah continues to laugh like crazy, she thinks this is funny right now. "Aren't there any other high schools in Mystic Falls?"

"No, Mystic Falls is a small town." She says to me. Not only am I having to go to high school which I hate, I am going to the same high school as the Doppelbitch. Could it get any worse?

"Why do you hate Elena soo much?" She asks me and gives me a look. " I just don't like her, she's annoying."

"Good reason" She nods towards me, "Now we can't kill her because her blood helps Nik create a hybrid army." We finally get to the school and we get out of the car and walk into the school. Rebekah compels the lady at the front desk for a schedule, advantages of being vampire. We walk into a history classroom and I see Stefan, Bonnie, blonde girl, wolf boy and last but least the Doppelbitch. Of all classes, we have to be in a class with her.

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