◾ What a Cliché ◾

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"I'm so excited

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"I'm so excited. You know, Miles personally invited me." Rena squeals as we head towards the cafeteria. 

"Invited you for what?"

"Wow. You really forgot, didn't you." What did I forget? As far as remember, Miles' birthday was in May. "Tomorrow is the first basketball game of the season." She rolls her eyes, shaking her head at me. Of course it is. I heard a group of people talking about it the other day. 

That's why Chase's been coming home so late and exhausted, these days. Being the captain of the team, coach must be over working him. Poor guy. Rena and I enter the noisy cafeteria and find Chase and Miles already there, looking like they are going to pass out any minute now. 

Its actually bad. They shouldn't be that exhausted the day before the game. Coach should really cut them some slack. 

Suddenly, I see Britney, walking towards them, swinging her Versace bag in her hand. I hate that bitch. She's actually good for nothing, except for getting in bed with the players of this town. But she'll act like Ms. I'm best at everything. 

Her mom literally paid the principal to get her on the cheerleading team. And Britney being the bitch she always is, took the leadership from Cassidy. Not that I care anymore. She's walking towards Chase, but Rena and I are quick enough. 

"Sorry, this seat is take." I pull on the fakest smile that my lips can sport and bat my lashes at her, while taking the seat next to Chase. She just rolls her eyes and starts to take the one next to Miles. 

"Sorry, but this one's taken too." Miles sneers. 

"By who?" She asks.

"Stefan Salvatore." All of us burst out laughing, making her throw all of us a dirty look. 

"What is the deal with you nerds." Britney crosses her arms over her chest and looks between us. Chase is just sitting there processing everything. "Never mind." Her bright green eyes, glance at Chase's lap and I know what she's thinking. But bitch, no way in hell I'm letting you sit with us. 

Before the red head can make a move, I prop both my legs on his lap. "Uh Oh. Seems like this one's occupied too." I give her a tight smile, ignoring the smirk on his lips. 

"You're messing with the wrong girl, Clarke." Her bright red lips crease into a frown as she glares at me.

"I'm not messing with anyone, Monroe. I'm just saying, that there are no empty seats for you to take." Fake innocence laces all my words and a similar look reflects on my face. Mumbling some incoherent words she spins on her heals and leaves.

"Thank god. I can't tolerate her annoying high pitched voice for a second." Miles sighs in relief making me chuckle. I try to move my legs from their very comfortable position, but Chase grabs them. I look at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Let the place be occupied." His lips tug into a million dollar smile, making my hear melt. Not wanting to give him the satisfaction of a flattered reaction I just shrug, and dig into my fries that Rena brought for me. 

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