◾ His Girlfriend ◾

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She's going to Harvard

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She's going to Harvard. But that's so far away. How will I see her. How will I meet her?

"Chase? You okay dude?" Miles' voice snaps me out of my daze.

"Yeah I'm fine. Hey Miles? What do you think about Harvard?"

"Man that place is heaven. Its one of the Ivey leagues for fuck's sake. But its too far away and I'm also not so sure about the scholarship. Why do you ask? Wait... you're not planning on applying there, are you?"

"Oh no." Even if I was, there is no way in hell I'm now. "Ana is. She says her cousin Justin is there too." He nods, as if thinking of something.

"Enjoy the time with her. I know you have a thing for Ana. So make the most of it." I don't reply to that. Miles is right. Instead of moping, I should actually be out there spending time with her. 

Its around 1 in the afternoon, but the weather is pretty pleasant. A thin layer of moving clouds  has shielded us from the sun while the wind just messes all our hair. I watch Ana as she plays beach volleyball with others, in short denim shorts and a black bikini top under one of my half sleeved shirts. Her hair pulled into a pony tail with a Nike cap resting on her head and circular sunglasses resting on her little nose. 

I'm gonna miss this stupid girl. A lot more than she'll ever know, and a whole lot more than I'll ever show. I keep my drink aside and run towards her. She abruptly turns to me and before she has a chance to respond, I throw her over my shoulder and then into the water. She shrieks and shout as her body splashes into the water. 

"I'll kill you." She laughs and pulls me by the hand, and under the water. I remove my sunglasses  so does she. 

Water drips off her short hair and small droplets rest on her cheeks and chest. Like a 5 year old she splashes water at me but I grab her hand and pull her to my chest. Her hands wrap around my neck while mine rest on her hips. 

"You look beautiful." I smile down at her, pinning a strand of wet hair behind her ear. 

"I know right." She throws her head back and starts laughing. 

"Gracey says lunch is almost ready." 

"Yeah..? Then what are we waiting for? Lets go. I'm starving." With that Ana pulls away and starts walking out of the water.

"Ana?" She turns back. "Meet me here in 20." Her eyes shine knowing there's another surprise waiting for her. I chuckle as she skips down the sand and into the resort. 


"Miles... Ana and I are going to the beach house. Join us in an hour? Bring Rena as well and lets go for a drive." 

"Cool. See you in an hour." I nod and walk outside to the most beautiful creation of mankind. Its a shiny black BMW Z4. My baby. I'm gonna buy one once I get myself a fantastic job. I rev it to life with a roar and pull it in front of the resort. Pulling down the sunroof, and putting on my Ray ban Aviator glasses I call her. 

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