Chapter 1

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Amara Ibrahim
Um....can I Help you Somehow?
You Look lost

Oh....heh Sorry I was just Thinking
W...what to say you Know

Amara Ibrahim
Ah I get it...well I know I am your Neighbor and all But Just Staring me while I Sit In My Garden Relaxing
It is Kinda....Strange

S...sorry I didn't wanted to Be Weird
I....Just wanted to talk to you about...something but I didn't Thought about what to say....God Stupid me

Amara Ibrahim
Well we are Talking Now aren't we?
You could Tell me Now Then if you Know what to Say By now

Oh heh yes sure...Um May I Come over it is Kinda Strange to talk to you over this Distance

Amara Ibrahim
Not stranger then the begin of This Conversation....But Sure whatever helps You Neighbor

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