The Festival of Lanterns: Day

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Two weeks had come and gone in a blur of activity.  Preparations for tonight's festival had been the primary cause of the chaos.  I'd spent very little time with Jungkook and the part of me that had softened to him desperately wished I could've been paired with him in our duties.  The part of me that still held the reluctance from the impression of him others had given me was grateful for the time to myself during his stay.

Tonight that would change, however.  As princes, we were to be paraded around the capital town, never leaving the other's side.  It sent a thrill down my spine to imagine us enjoying the festival together and releasing lanterns at the end of the night. 

Even our brothers were returning from their journeys abroad for the festival.  Despite our constant bickering and teasing, I was actually looking very forward to seeing my older brother again.

"What's up, shorty?" A voice echoed through the vestibule as I guided the castle staff through festival decorations.

Speak of the devil, I thought with a chuckle.

"You have one inch on me.  One.  That means you're short too, idiot," I whined.

"Not as short as you!" I groaned in defeat as thin arms squeezed me tightly.  "I missed you, kid."

"Well, I didn't miss you," I lied.  My brother quirked an eyebrow, calling me out.  "Fine.  I missed you too, Yoongi."

Yoongi's face spread into a wide grin, exposing his gums.  He once again dragged me into a vice grip of a hug.


I felt my expression turn sour as I watched Jimin from the corridor. 

"Who do you think that is, Joon?" I asked without sparing him a glance, my eyes glued to the scene in front of me.

"It's hard to say, but they certainly seem pretty happy to see each other.  Maybe a family member?"

"Or a boyfriend..." I suggested as bile rose in my throat.

From the corner of my eye I saw Namjoon shaking his head with a soft chuckle.  "You go straight to the worst case scenario every time.  You're not even together and already jealous."

That snapped me from my trance.  "I'm not jealous!"

"Mmmhhm," was all he offered back.

I pursed my lips as I tugged at my black jacket.  It suddenly felt stifling to be encased in it.  I didn't have to endure the feeling for long, though, as a loud shout from the entryway captured everyone's attention.

"I'm here!  The most glorious, handsome, and funniest man in the world has arrived.  Everyone take a moment to gather yourselves."

I rolled my eyes with a groan.  Here he comes.  The Crowned Prince of West Busan always had to make an entrance.  Beside me, Namjoon smiled fondly at his best friend.  At one point, Namjoon had been the crowned prince's knight.  Once my brother had left for his tour of the world, however, Namjoon had been assigned to me and a whole party of soldiers had followed my brother.

"Jin!  How's the world?" He greeted him with a wide smile and big hug, armor screeching as he crushed my brother into him.

"Disappointing, but not unexpectedly so.  I've discovered I truly am the most handsome man in it, you know?  So from now on, I'd prefer to be known as World Wide Handsome," He replied with a haughty air.

Namjoon doubled over with laughter.  "You haven't changed a bit, Jin."

Normally this sort of informality with a prince from a lower status subject would be a one way ticket to the dungeons, but no one seemed to be bothered if it was Namjoon.  He seemed to be everyone's exception.  No one more so than Jin.  Sometimes I felt as if those two were the real brothers and I was just a kid looking through the window at who I wished I could be.

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