The Festival of Lanterns: Night

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It was time.

We'd been paired up and sent out into the town.  The two Crowned Princes had originally been thrown together, as was customary, but being as Jimin and Yoongi were the only two princes of East Busan to West Busan's three princes, Hoseok had to be a third wheel to one of the pairs.

Initially, he'd been slated to join myself and Jimin, but of course Yoongi, much to everyone's delight, had maneuvered him to be in their group.  Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jin had set off to the left side of town, while our father's meandered happily together through the center.  That left Jimin, myself, and our two knights as protection, to take the right.

The capital had been beautifully decorated, mostly in part to Jimin's specifications, with flickering candles and fragrant flowers lining the streets, windows, and even dangling overhead between buildings.  It was a magnificent sight to see and I swelled with pride at Jimin's remarkable vision.  

Little vendor carts had a rainbow of colorful and intricately designed paper lanterns for sale before the main event at the end of the night.  Children and couples, elder spouses with white and gray streaked hair, all holding hands and smiling, stood in long, but cheer-filled lines to choose just the right one. 

I nudged Jimin to get his attention and jutted my chin toward the ornate, wooden booths lining the streets.  He tilted his head in confusion until he understood.  A blush dusted across his cheeks as he dropped his gaze to the cobblestones beneath his feet, a shy smile on his full, pink lips.

I ignored Namjoon and Taehyung's shared smirk as they watched us.  Jimin carefully studied each lantern, sometimes lifting one into his small hands to get a closer look before shaking his head and sitting it down gently.  I didn't see the first lantern.  All I could see was him.  I was so far gone for this man that I felt I had never stood a chance.

Nodding, he finally lifted one to display to me.  "This one.  Don't you think?"

I tore my gaze from his questioning eyes to inspect the lantern he'd chosen.  It was beautiful.  Trimmed in gold, it's paper layers had been dyed and speckled with white paint to look like the galaxy peeking through the night sky, stars dusting over the purples and blues.  In gold paint, the word "Destiny" had been painted in expert calligraphy.  It was beautiful, much like the man who'd chosen it.

"Yes," I breathed, eyes locking onto his again, "Perfect.  Absolutely perfect."

His shy smile returned, along with his blush.  "I'm glad you like it," he turned to the vendor, but I paid before he had the chance.

Unable to resist, I used taking the lantern from him as an excuse to intertwine our fingers.  He looked to me in surprise.

"We're amongst the public.  Everyone can see us," he whispered in a hushed surprise and slight panic.

"Let them look," I whispered back, my tone more husky than expected. 

I handed off the delicate lantern to Namjoon and led him through the town, waving and nodding to the crowds.  A part of me was glad when I heard the occasional whisper about our clasped hands, though most seemed to take the act as merely two dignitaries in a show of mutual support.

I briefly wondered what it would take for the public to understand that I was claiming Jimin by this act.  Perhaps I should stop in the square where we meet our families and kiss him in front of God and country.

Maybe then they'd see that even if Jimin isn't mine, Jimin is mine.


We'd done our duties.  We'd walked through the capital, met the other royals at the massive stone fountain in the center of the town square.  We'd given speeches, and done all with pomp and flare.  Now we were free to enjoy the remainder of the festival, including the main event: the releasing of the lanterns, however we chose to do so.

Jin and Namjoon had set off together, laughing about the old days and winking at every pretty girl they passed.  Yoongi smiled secret smiles behind Hoseok's back as he was dragged from the square, hoisting their blocky, brightly painted lantern that screamed Hoseok over their heads.  The two kings chose to simply sit upon the plush dais that had been erected for them as they ate just short of a feast and shared in riotous laughter.  That left Jungkook and myself to stroll through the festival together.  Taehyung had followed after us more out of duty and a lack of anything better to do, but at a significant distance to give us privacy.

Jungkook had taken us atop a wildflower dotted hill overlooking the city.  It was the perfect vantage point, allowing us to see the glittering lights of the city and hear the joy of the crowds below.  It was quieter and darker here and I felt as though we were completely cut off from the rest of the world save for Taehyung who remained at the base of the hill, twirling his dagger and humming as he carved twigs into various shapes.

"It's beautiful," I whispered.  Speaking any louder felt like it would break some sort of spell and all this would come crashing down around us.

I became aware of Jungkook's burning stare.  "Not as beautiful as you."

A blush crept up my neck and cheeks, tinging the tips of my ears bright red.  I was thankful we weren't down in the city under the bright candlelight so that he couldn't see how much that had affected me.

"It looks like they're about to send off the lanterns," I pointed to the city, where a wave of lanterns were lighting up.

Jungkook nodded, retrieving the lantern I had settled on and using the single candle we had lit to light the smaller one inside the paper walls.  I rested my hands slightly overlapping his as we both held onto the lantern.  Our eyes never leaving the other's, we made our wish and simultaneously lifted it skyward.

I watched it's journey upwards, gaze transfixed on the lantern as it floated to the heavens.  When my eyes finally found their way back to the earth again, I was met with the intensity of Jungkook's stare.  My lips parted slightly in surprise as he slowly cupped my cheek in his large, calloused hand.  His other snaked around my waist, towing me into his embrace.

Then, for the third time, our lips met.

This kiss was not like the others.  It was less heated than the second and more sure and steady than the first.  It felt right.  It felt very, very right and I wondered if Jungkook could feel it too.

My sun was setting me on fire with my building desire for him and I was loving the burn.

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