Trapped Anyway (Jikook Filth Ahead)

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"Oh come on.  We're trapped here all night anyway.  We might as well at least try to enjoy it."

I bit my lip, looking toward the door.  "I don't know, mochi.  What if our brothers hear us?  I'm still slightly worried that your brother might slit my throat in the middle of the night.  How would he take hearing me defiling his baby brother?"

Jimin giggled and slid to sit in my lap.  Our bare thighs tingling where they connected.  "First of all, how would your brother react to me defiling his baby brother?  Besides, it's not like they don't already know we've had sex before.  They also know that this isn't some sort of experiment or fling.  You're my forever, Kookie."

My eyes widened as I glanced up at him.  "Forever?  You want to be with me forever?"

Jimin looked worried now.  He gulped and chewed his nail for a moment before responding, "Was it too soon?  Do you not want that too? this just a fling for you?  A chance to lose your virginity and take someone else's?  I...guess it's okay if that's what you want..."

Tears welled up in his eyes as he trailed off and I smiled softly at him as I rubbed his arms.  "Oh my silly mochi.  You could never be anything to me but my everything.  Of course I want forever with you.  We've just...never said it aloud before," I blushed and dared to gaze up at his watery eyes again, "We both know we love each other, but to know that you're in this forever...well, it's just nice to hear.  Thank you."

He leaned his chest against mine, planting a sweet kiss on my lips.  "No, thank you.  Thank you for opening me up to the world.  For allowing me to be the version of myself that's free and doesn't have all the rules like chains dragging me down.  Thank you for loving all of me and not just the quiet, compliant, and proper me."

A few tears spilled as he spoke and I swiped my thumb across his perfect cheekbone to remove them.  "You're so beautiful.  I don't just mean your body or your face, Jimin.  Your heart.  Your spirit.  You bring me to life.  God, I never imagined I was capable of loving someone this much.  Especially the supposedly stuffy, arrogant prince of East Busan."

Jimin chuckled.  "Nor did I expect to fall unbearably, passionately, and inescapably in love with the wild, heathen prince of West Busan."

"I hope you know that I'm going to marry you, Second Prince Park Jimin of East Busan," I stated emphatically.  "I couldn't begin to care less about what anyone else has to say about it.  You will one day be my husband."

A shy smile graced his plump lips and he suddenly found my fingernails very entertaining.  "Do you promise, Third Prince Jeon Jungkook of West Busan?"

"I rarely say things I don't mean."

He peered up at me through his lashes.  "Then I can't wait to be your husband in the future."

Our lips collided then.  I wasn't sure who moved first, but without warning or pretense, we'd found ourselves locked in a desperate, fevered kiss.  Our hands roamed without restriction and Jimin began writhing in my lap.  I groaned into his mouth when our hips met in just the right way to grind our members together.

Jimin disconnected our lips and dragged his down my neck, sucking along the path he trailed down to my chest and eventually, my nipples.  I arched my back into him and let out a ragged moan as he nipped and sucked his way down until he was tugging at the waistband of my undergarments.  Somehow he'd managed to slip his off without me noticing or him stopping his ministrations to me.

His impossibly thick lips had wrapped themselves around me before I ever had the chance to react and I called out his name, my tone sultry and pleading.  He moaned loudly and breathily around me.  As he sank his mouth fully down, a loud knock caused us both to freeze.

"Hey!  Either stop what you're doing or gag yourselves.  No one wants to hear your moaning and screaming.  In case you forgot, your brothers are out here!  Neither of us wants to hear it!" 

The sound of Yoongi's grumbling sobered us enough that we shared a look before bursting into giggles.  Unfortunately for me, I was still seated inside Jimin's mouth and the movements and vibrations forced out a broken sound.  I heard Yoongi sigh loudly with intention of us hearing before his footsteps echoed away.

Jimin's lips popped off of me and he wiggled his eyebrows at me.  "Now, now.  You heard him.  Don't be loud, handsome."

He rose from his knees to climb back into my lap as I scooted to sit back against the headboard of our temporary bed.  His small hand wrapped itself around my base as he lined me up to enter him. 

I grabbed his hips to halt his movements.  "Wait, Jimin.  What are you doing?  You aren't lubricated or prepared or anything!"

"I'm still a little loose from last night, but I've been preparing myself while I pleasured you.  And I used my saliva as lubrication.  Saliva makes excellent lubrication.  Some on my hands, a lot on you and voila!  I'm ready to take a bite of my Kookie."  He nipped at my collarbone for emphasis.

"You're unbelievable," I laughed.  My laughter became a groan as he sank onto me until he sat flush in my lap.

I stayed perfectly still as I let him lead the way.  Slowly he began to lift and drop onto me while I praised him.  My fingers dipped into his every curve as he hastened his speed.  My heart raced and my breathing shallowed as he rode me harder and faster, our voices reaching a crescendo of ecstasy together.

We cried out, unable to contain our pleasured moans.  My name fell from Jimin's lips so beautifully and I couldn't help the swell of pride in my chest before gasping out his name.  Our mutual releases left us shivering and panting from the stimulation.  I pulled myself from him and stroked his naked back lazily. 

In a haze, I whispered, "I love you, Jimin."

I was blessed with a whimpered, "I love you too, Jungkookie."

Before we could drift off to sleep, we heard a grunt and a sensual, drawn out moan.  Jimin lifted his chin from my chest to meet my eyes.  We giggled together.

"Well, someone's a bit of a hypocrite," I laughed again as I raised my voice, "Hey! Either stop what you're doing or gag yourselves. No one wants to hear your moaning and screaming. In case you forgot, your brothers are in here! Neither of us wants to hear it!"

Jimin cackled at that.  "Yoongi's going to kill you for that."

I kissed his nose, making him blush.  "I'd like to see him try.  I have my strong, protective prince to save me.  He's little, but he's feisty!"

"Shut up," he mumbled, amused, into my chest.

"As you wish, my prince."


Gotta love some good Jikook filth.  But this one was sweet filth because sometimes it just feels right to be sweet.

Also, some more Sope hints lol.  If you want that scene, just comment and I'll help you out. ;)

NOW, back to Namjoon and Taehyung.  How's that going?

How's Jin been getting along by himself in the dungeons?  No one even knows he's there.  It's heart breaking to imagine.

Is Jimin's dad losing his mind with worry for Jimin while his son is getting all steamy with his boyfriend?

Guess you'll have to stay tuned to find out!

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