Just You Wait

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I thought I would die.  I thought that would be all I'd have to endure.  Just watching Taehyung carry Jin away and then the end.  I thought the guards would kill me and that I would have fulfilled my duties in this life.  I didn't know they'd want me alive.  I never dreamed they'd shove me into that same cell we'd just taken Jin from. 

And I never dreamed the King of West Busan himself would be my torturer and executioner...

"Did you think I didn't expect you to come, Namjoon?  I was waiting on it.  Counting on it, really.  My perfect scapegoat and the perfect man to make an example of.  Not only will you die for daring to touch my son, to touch the crowned prince of your nation, but you will die to absolve me of any suspicion in relation to the disappearance of all three of my children.  You've given me a perfect alibi, to be perfectly honest, so I must thank you for that."

I spit my own blood onto the damp, filthy stones after his fist connected with my jaw once more.  He continued as if nothing had happened.

"And what's more...you've allowed me an opportunity I hadn't considered before.  It was witnessed by a great many people that the Crowned Prince and youngest prince of East Busan were seen with the group taking my sons away.  In fact, the youngest prince's personal guard physically carried the crowned prince away from the palace!  If I should choose to do so...I could claim that my sons were kidnapped and you were the inside man who helped East Busan do it.  I could use this...to wage war on my old friend.  To bring Busan together as one kingdom once more.  To have all the power and the type of legacy that kings only dream of!"

"No," I gasped, my voice coming out broken and breathless.

"Oh yes.  And you'll be blamed for it all!  Then you'll be beheaded in front of the whole kingdom for treason.  This couldn't have worked out better if I had planned it myself!  I do hope you'll find your arrangements comfortable until your execution date.  Please feel free to ask one of your guards if you need absolutely anything," the king replied, tone dripping with sarcasm.

"Goodbye for now, Namjoon.  See you on your big day."

His laughter rattled in my ears and haunted my dreams that night.



Joonie's not dead yet, but he's going to be.  I'll just go sob now at the thought of that. 

This next chapter has to go back to Jikook.  I need more of them than these little snippets.  This IS a Jikook book after all.  Lemme just get back to my favorite boys.

Promise and I swear that the next chapter will also address what the King of East Busan has been up to.  For real.  It will.  Why are you questioning me like that?  It will!  I swear!

Wonder how Jin is feeling right about now.  And if he's mad at Taehyung or any of the other guys for letting it happen.

Stay tuned and find out!

(still haven't edited anything.  Love y'all, but nah.  Not yet.  I will.  I swear that too).

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