I'm a Mess (Turtlejou)

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Requested by WOFfanboy

Turtle padded through the caves, webbed talons pattering across the rock below him. He needed a place to think and process. A whole new school with a whole lot of new dragons.


He glanced down at his map. It said that there was an underground lake somewhere ahead of him. An underground lake would be great.

He hadn't met his clawmates or winglet or really anyone yet like Fatespeaker said he should. He needed to find somewhere quiet first, and in his experience, lakes are great for quiet places to hide when you want to avoid everyone around you.

He treaded with caution through the tunnel, and though it was well lit with lanterns and he could see in the dark, lumpy pebbles littered the floor and Turtle kept stubbing his talons.

As he neared where the map said the lake was, he heard the sounds of dragons laughing. Squid ink, have other dragons found it already?

Distracted by what he heard, his talon caught on a dimple in the rock and he lurched forward. "Ah!" He almost smacked his face on the rock when a strong tail grabbed his arm and helped pull him up.

"Careful," a chipper voice and the owner of the tail said. "You almost flattened your nose."

Turtle steadied himself on his feet, the turned to the dragon who'd helped him. She was a pink and yellow RainWing and was smiling happily.

"Th-thank you." Turtle stuttered. "I'm Turtle."

The RainWing grinned. "Hi, Turtle. I'm Kinkajou. I like your arm band." She pointed unexpectedly at Turtle's arm band, golden with black rocks embedded inside.

"Oh, thanks." Turtle said awkwardly. Kinkajou smiled at his response. Did she ever not smile?

"I-I need to go." Turtle said, stepping away from Kinkajou. "Thanks again." And he turned and ran down the tunnel. He emerged into a large cave with the underground lake spread before him. Only a few dragons were there and they paid no attention to him as he dove beneath the water and curled up at the bottom.

What was wrong with him?

Couldn't he react normally to a normal encounter with a normal dragon?

Or was it a normal encounter? Turtle felt his stomach flutter. He flexed his talons nervously. But that wasn't the point. He couldn't react that way to everyone here. Maybe he was just caught off guard. Maybe next time would be better. Next time, being in about a week when he came out of the lake.

Turtle let himself float to the surface. He thought about his run-in with Kinkajou and felt his stomach flutter again. What are you doing, stomach? There's nothing to flutter about. You just had an awkward encounter with an adorable, bubbly-

Ah. That was it.

Turtle pressed his talons on his temples. I literally just met her! Hardly 'met', more like 'learned her name'. It is way too soon to get a crush!

Turtle swam to the edge of the lake and stepped onto the stone. According to his schedule, Winglet Discussion happens soon, and he really didn't want to be late.


Turtle found the cave for Jade Winglet Discussion, his sister sitting inside. Tsunami grinned at him. Only a couple other dragons were there. A SandWing, an IceWing, a MudWing, and a SkyWing were already there. So we're missing a RainWing and a NightWing. Yay, I wasn't last here.

Turtle sat down next to Tsunami just as the NightWing and the RainWing arrived. Turtle froze when he recognized Kinkajou bouncing into the cave. Kinkajou saw him and grinned. She came over and sat next to him.

Turtle didn't know whether to be excited or terrified. On the one talon, Turtle's stomach was doing flips, and he was pretty sure he was making an embarrassing face.

On the other talon, Kinkajou didn't seem to mind.

Why do I like her? Sure she's seems sweet and friendly and...

Turtle tried to stop himself from blushing. Great moons, I'm a mess.

A/n: Sorry if this one seemed a little unorganized. I liked writing from Turtle's perspective. Hope you liked it :)

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