Goofball (Lunatail)

610 4 7

Request by NatashaP588

Luna trotted up the street towards The Nectar Hive, her favourite sweet shop. She passed groups of SilkWings and HiveWings going about their casual business. A few SilkWings waved at her and she waved back. A few younger HiveWings stared at her, half in curiosity half in slight digust. Luna suspected that this was because she didn't have wings.

Stupid HiveWings, she thought to herself, one day when I have wings, your stares won't be in disgust, they'll be in amazement at the glorious splendor of them. And you will all feel so absurd and self-conscious at the sight, ashamed of your own feeble, boring wings.

This was very free thinking and Luna, however rebellious on the inside, new she had to be more subdued on the outside. Thoughts like those could land her on Misbehavior's Way, and however much she admired him, she didn't want to that much like Swordtail.

Swordtail. Luna thought happily. Swordtail was her beloved, handsome, stupidly brave, boyfriend. Unlike herself, Swordtail had gotten his wings, and they were remarkable. Splashes of vibrant orange on deep blue both clashed and complimented each other. Unfortunately, she didn't get to see Swordtail very much due to his construction job on the other side of the hive.

Luna arrived at The Nectar Hive, scales in talon. She hadn't planned ahead what she had wanted and was now wishing she had. So many options. She eventually decided on three different treats and put her scales on the counter.

"Uh-oh." The HiveWing clerk said. "Looks like you're two scales short."

Luna considered the possibility that he was lying and just trying to get more money from her, but when she did the math in her head she realized he was right. "Just the two, then." She pointed at two of the treats.

"No need!" A voice called from behind her and Luna turned and saw Swordtail walk in. He put six more scales on the counter and pointed to another treat. "We'll take that one as well."

"You goofball." Luna teased affectionately. They left with their treats and went to the park to eat them. "You didn't need to do that." Luna said.

"Yeah, but I wanted to." Swordtail replied cheekily. "How are you supposed to eat these?" He picked up an oblong candy with spikes coming off of it.

"Like this." Luna took it snapped a spike off and popped it into her mouth, grinning as the sugary flavour spread across her tongue. Swordtail took a spike, then Luna, and they shared until all the spikes were gone.

"Now what?" Swordtail asked.

Luna put one end of the spikeless candy in her mouth and Swordtail did the same. They sucked on each end, slowly eating away at it until their snouts touched in an accidental kiss.

They both pulled away, blushing. "Woops." Luna said, laughing it off.

Swordtail grinned, then, after a moment of hesitation, leaned forward and kissed her again.

A/n: Again! Sorry it took awhile :)
Thank you NatashaP588 for the request, I hope you enjoyed a bit of wholesome Lunatail.

By the way, if anyone has advice or constructive criticism, good or bad, that would be greatly appreciated. Writing ships is hard.

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