Chapter 1

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A loud knocking came from my front door of my apartment waking me up and I grumpily slipped out of bed then padded throughout my apartment to the front door in my pajamas, flinging it open only to come face to face with someone which I didn't want to see so early in the morning, a groan slipped my lips as I rubbed my temples in frustration not awake enough to deal with this shit.

"What do you possibly want at 7 in the morning Rhodes?"

Rhodes)"Com'on [Y/N], when are you going to stop being like this towards me?"

"When you stop being my father"

I flatly and bluntly stated as I turned then walked towards the kitchen to make some coffee as I'll be needing it if he insisted on doing this right now, I heard him shut the door behind him as he came into my apartment then followed after me to the kitchen where I was pouring up two cups of coffee then reluctantly slid one over to him, the kitchen went silent for a few minutes until I sighed placing my cup down on the island which was in-between us.

"Listen Connor, I understand where you're coming from and I appreciate it, but nothing can change the facts, ever"

Connor)"How am I the one at fault here? Kira didn't tell me about you or the fact she was pregnant in the first place, I only found out about you a month ago [Y/N], at least give me a chance to make it up to you"

He had a point but me being the stubborn person I am I wasn't just going to let anyone into my life if I know later on down the line they'll just leave, I sighed before looking him in the eyes being met with a look which just pleading me to give him a chance and for a split second I almost caved but then I remembered moms words when she told me her perspective of how he was which made me steel my resolve again on letting him in, I made up my mind and he had one chance I owned him that at least.

"I'm 23 Connor, I've been on my own since I was 15, mom died 4 or 5 years ago, and you expect me just be okay with you walking into my life without explanation? Hell no, you don't get the privilege or right to do so. However! I'm willing to let you have one chance, one chance, okay? that's all your getting to make whatever awkward father-daughter thing you want us to have alright?"

Connor)"Thank you so much, I-I won't let it go to waste I promise!"

He was going to hug me but I quickly dodged it and he only put his hands up in surrender completely understanding where I was coming from for doing that, I glanced a the clock to see that I had 15 minutes to get ready for work so I told him that he should go so I could get ready but he offered me a ride to word which would be so much easier than getting squished in the subway so I reluctantly agreed then went off to my room to grab my things and get ready, once dressed I grabbed my C.F.D jacket and my keys then we left after I locked my front door.

Connor)"Where exactly do you work?"

"Firehouse 51, I'm a firefighter with the C.F.D, oh! turn left at this intersection!"

I pointed at the left exit of the intersection in the direction he was supposed to go which he turned down that street then glanced over to me slightly surprised that I chose that line of work, just thinking about his reaction made me smile alittle although there was plenty of different jobs I could of chosen form I chose some of the dangerous ones as I wanted to help people in need or crisis, for a little while in college I did think about becoming a nurse or doctor but decided against it considering that "dad" was one.

Connor)"You're a firefighter? I didn't expect that you would be into that?"

"What? You seriously didn't expect me to follow in your footsteps, did you? I enjoy my work as a firefighter and I get to help people that needs it, you understand, don't you? isn't that why you become a doctor in the first place?"

Connor)"Well yh but it's safer in the ED than rushing into buildings which are on fire or helping at a pile up, the hospital is a safer place than what firefighter has to do and go through"

"You're seriously giving me a lecture right now? I'm starting to regret giving you a chance now, pull over here, the firehouse is just over there"

I said with a sigh as I gestured to the firehouse just across the street so he pulled over and I grabbed my things but before I go out I looked over to Connor and smiled alittle which he returned, I got out and shut the door then walked across the street but heard him shout for me to be careful which made me shake my head alittle with a chuckle as I flipped him off before he drove off to work himself, as I walked up the drive of the firehouse I saw Peter hanging up Christmas lights out front struggling alittle so I handed him the next set of lights which he thanked me for with a smile.

"Hey, want to hang out after shift? Your sister has been bugging me to come to the dinner again, something about showing me a family recipe or something?"

Peter)"Oh god, really? hahaha I'm sorry, my sister and mom can be a bit too much sometimes"

"It's fine really, I love your families cooking, it's to die for"

We laughed alittle together as he came down the ladder then I picked up the box of other decorations as he folded up the ladder and we both walk over to the firehouse, me and Peter met at his family dinner a year ago, we got along straight away with flying colors which was amazing as it was so easy to talk with him although at times he could be alittle difficult but he was so danm cute though, half a year later are friendship turned into something more and we both knew it so here we are now happily together without a single thing wrong.

Here and there we did have an occasional fight but doesn't every couple? We always manage to sort things you in the end anyway which is one of the things I love about us, no matter what happens we always figure things out and smoothing it out, I truly love him so much that I can't describe how I feel around him in words. When he told me he was going to join the fire academy I was slightly worried but knew I wouldn't be able to talk him out of it as he wanted to make his dad proud, so I supported him all the way and helped wherever I could, when he found out that he graduated he was so excited that he made it and I was proud that he did.

"How are you feeling today? that call a few days ago really shook you up"

Peter)"I'm fine babe, I've got you and that's all I need"

"You flirt"

I teased with a playful smirk as I nudged his side before walking off to put my things into my locker then went to get a cup of coffee in the kitchen area and took a seat beside Gabby at the table, I've been at 51 for about 2 years now and I love every day that I come to work it was the best as everyday I'm working alongside my friends and second family, it's even better now that Peter is working here too as 51s candidate for truck although he has plans of getting onto squad which I know he can achieve.

Boden did ask me though beforehand if there would be any problems if Peter were to come here which I obviously said no as there wouldn't be, work and privet life are two completely different things and I made it clear to Peter to keep whatever happens outside of work separate from when we are at work, it's just safer that way. Soon calls started to come in so everyone of the truck crew and ambo jumped into action going to Truck and the ambo before setting off, I was a part of Squad so once they had left, I went outside to sit with the rest of squad a bit and flicked through my phone until I heard Truck get back from there calls only to have the C.P.D show up.

I got up and walked over to them then glanced at the piece of paper that Peter was holding to see a form of some sort that they had to fill out for what happened when they when on their first call, it ticked me off that somebody could blame firefighters for stealing something when all we do is help others it's just not right, my attention soon went over to Kelly when called me over saying he wanted to take a ride so all of squad went to the Squad Truck and off we went. Kelly only wanted to go and visit his girlfriend or his newest fling which we all teased him about, it only took a few minutes then we returned to the firehouse. 

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