Chapter 3 - pt1

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A/N: Your outfit above)

Waking up to an empty bed wasn't something that [Y/N] was use too as Peter would usually came home to her apartment most nights but last night was an accepting as the couple had a fight the night before, the fight was about something so stupid but relevant that's been lingering around the two but never brought up, ever. It was about Connor Rhodes, [Y/N]'s biological father that recently came back into her life and so far, things between the father and daughter were going great, however the problem which made the fight happen was the fact that Connor was trying alittle too hard about making his and [Y/N]'s relationship work.

[Y/N] thought that Connor was doing alright considering hes never had experience in the father department as they now and then went out for coffee and talked, taking it slow and started to build a solid relationship between them was something that she was stating to warm up to the idea of him being in her life. Peter on the other hand wasn't so sure about her decision to start building a relationship with her biological father, worried that if things didn't go as planned then it would lead to Connor letting [Y/N] down again and a whole lot of hurt which Peter didn't want to see happen.

The next morning [Y/N] layed in bed staring at the blank white ceiling thinking over the events that happen last night and she knew that Peter was coming from a place of worry and love but this time she knew that he was right even if she hated to admit it, with a sigh she got out of bed had a shower then got changed, afterwards grabbed her keys and had a set plan on how she could make amends with him after how they left it the night before. 

As she drove to her sister's house a reminder popped up on her phone telling her that it was her and Peters anniversary of when they started to date, the day couldn't be any more perfect for her plan in mind so she put her foot down on the accelerator picking up speed and soon she made it to her sister's house then parked outside, out go of her car then walked up the steps then knocked on the door but when her sister saw it was her she slammed it shut and so the long process of convincing began.

"Rowen? Rowen com'on! Don't be so petty and let me in!"

"Why should I?! It's not like you care anyway!"

"God, can you act any more like a child? Let me in and we can talk about this, okay?"

"No! Go away!"

They had been doing this for about half an hour by now and its starting to make people that pass by look at the [H/C] woman that was stood outside of the burgundy red painted door as she tried to talk some sense into her little sister to open her front door and let her in, it's obviously not working as she's yet to open the door, with a sigh [Y/N] knew what she had to do inorder to get her sister to open her front door but she was one hell of a stubborn person to even to do it however this time she asepted that there was no other way so she caved.

"I came to ask for a favor, me and Peter had a fight last night and I wanted to make it up to him. Can you help me, please?"


There it is...

Was [Y/N]'s first thought as the door was opened slightly to reveal Rowen behind it giving her sister a analyzing look before a smile broke out across her face and swung open the door beckoning [Y/N] inside, with a sigh of relief and dread she walked inside her sister's house and it didn't talk even a second before she was bombarded with questions about Peters family and Peter himself, [Y/N] instantly knew she was in for a few hours of non-stop girl talk about her love life.

This was one of the main reason why [Y/N] tried to avoid mentioning Peter to her sister as she read far too much into things and started to get ahead of herself when there was no need too, after an hour and a half went by of girl talk she knew she had to somehow get her to stop without hurting her feelings so she thought of an idea to flip it onto how her sisters love life was going instead of hers, it slightly worked for a bit that is until Rowen got a work call from her agent which [Y/N] was so greatful for.

In the end a plan was set out although it might be a slightly risky move as they have only been a couple for about half a year but have known each other for a year and a half, everything was a risk when it came to her plan in mind, and she was only hoping that it didn't go to shit and made things worse. Next stop was at Peters moms house to ask her for some help and a question that she was dreading the answer too, soon she made it to the Mills household and knocked on the front door a few minutes later Ingrid opened the door and welcomed me with a smile then a hug before letting me come inside, she told me that Peter had called her last night on a rant about our argument and asking advise about it.

"I'm actually here to ask for a favor, that is if you're willing to help me that is"

"What might this favor be dear?"

"I um oh god, this is harder than I thought it would be hahaha"

I nervous chuckle left her lips as she kept her eyes on the cup of tea which was given to her as her mind started to spin with ways of possibly ask such a question which was personal and a touchy subject, taking a deep breath to steady herself she then looked up to Ingrid straight in the yes with determination clearly seen in them as she mentally prepared herself before she spoke up.

"I love Peter so much than I can't see a future without him, we have known each other for about a year & a half and I gotta say over that time I've grown to love this family like my own. That's why the question I wanted to ask is probably alittle harsh or insensitive, but do you still have Henry's wedding ring? I know it's supposed to be the man that proposes but I want to show him that I can't live without him, and I'm committed to us no matter what happens"

Tears started to well up in Ingrid's eyes and a hand went over her mouth completely shocked and overjoyed from what she just heard from [Y/N] that she was committed to her son in such a way that he was willing to break tradition a be the one to take the next big step and propose instead, once she had time to process everything she pulled [Y/N] into a hug that she gladly returned and after they pulled apart Ingrid told her to follow her and they went upstairs to her room where she walked over to the dresser opened a draw and took out a ring box, she opened it to reveal her husband's wedding ring after a few minutes of looking at it she let out a breath and closed it again as she turned to [Y/N] with a smile.

"I'm so glad that Peter has you and I know for sure that he will say yes, if not hes never too told for me to give him a lecture and see sense"

"I'm sure your right but it doesn't stop my nerves though"

"Com'on, we have a proposal to set up"

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