Chapter 5 - Part 2

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With a shaky breath [Y/N] started to calm down as she looked around the scene before looking over to her best friend that was currently patching up a head laceration on her forehead, in that moment all she could think about was what her future is going to look like; her and Peter will finally be married with a kid or kids, they'll rebuild his mom's diner better than before and they'll be happy.

"Gabby.... is Peter here?"

Gabby)"Yh, do you want me to go and get him for you?"

"No, he'll only over worry about everything like he's been doing the last 3 months. He thinks I don't notice, but I do."


[Y/N] pov-

My head hurt badly, and it was foggy from a possible conclusion. I had to stop myself over and over again from letting myself slip into bad thoughts as the ringing in my ears suddenly cleared up and the overwhelming sounds of everyone around working on getting me and Rowen out of the car, my breathing increased as my eyes flicked all over the place slightly panicking. I knew panicking in this kind of situation wouldn't do anything, but I had plenty to lose.

I ran my finger over my engagement ring Peter gave me and that managed to calm me down and see sense again as my eye followed his figure through the cracked windshield, it seemed like Casey was making sure Peter kept busy with helping them by getting the person out of their truck that crashed into our car, it was for the better that he didn't know otherwise he'll get angry at the driver and overly worried for me. 

I looked over to Gabby when I heard movement and saw Kelly by my side car door with the rest of Squad as they started to work on getting me free, Kelly told me to me about how much the and the others on Squad missed me on calls over the months ive been on Maternity leave which made me smile and laugh a little but that only made me cough afterwards. It took a while to get my door free before they carefully moved me onto a gurney, I grabbed Kelly's arm which made him look down at me. 

"Tell Peter what happened once everything is sorted here; I don't want him to lose focus while doing his job because of me."

Kelly)"I'll tell him, I promise. Just focus on not dying, we all need you at 51."

He sounded worried and I could see that. Gabby and Shay quickly wheeled me to the ambulance before quickly leaving the scene of the crash, Shay was driving while Gabby kept an eye on my vitals on the way to the hospital. However, along the way there something didn't feel right and before I know it, it was hard to breath and Gabby quickly jumped into action. Everything went fuzzy before I blacked out completely with the faint sounds of Gabby shouting to Shay to drive faster then everything muffled out. 

3rd POV-

At Chicago Med Maggie got the notification of the incoming victims of the car collision but when she saw [Y/N]'s name she quickly briefed everyone on the people that's coming into the ED soon, when [Y/N] was wheeled into the ED Maggie told Dr. Choi, Dr. Halstead and Dr. Manning to attend to her in Bagdad treatment room in the ED while she paged Connor quickly saying its urgent. Gabby and Shay stood by the desk with Maggie as they watched the doctors work on [Y/N].

On route to the hospital, she had lost consciousness and her heart rate had plummeted, so Gabby had to interbate her which managed to stabilize her for the mean time. As the doctors all did their jobs, they had to put in a chest tube in and found out that a fractured rib was on the verge of braking and punchering her left lung so that had to be fixed immediately. During all the chaos Connor had finally made it down into the ED and when Maggie saw him, she went over to him and explained that [Y/N] had been in an accident but after that everything she said or tried to tell him meant nothing as he rushed over to Bagdad with a worried look on his face.

Connor pushed his way into the room and completely took over, ordering X-rays, C-Ts and any test that was necessary and more to cover all and every base so not to miss anything before they took [Y/N] upstairs to set her fractured rib that was almost broken back into place also to get some internal bleeding under control. A few minutes after they took [Y/N] upstairs the whole of 51 arrived with Peter running in first extremely worried and anxious, he as Gabby and Shay what was happening, so they explained everything, and that [Y/N] was taken into surgery to set her fractured rib back into place and to get the bleeding under control.  

They all went up to the waiting area to wait for anymore news but that was at least an hour before someone came out to update them, and it wasn't good news. During surgy a complication happened, so it put too much pressure on [Y/N]'s body for the baby to handle so they had to do an emergency C-Section to save the baby, or rather, babies. Peter had mixed emotions, both relieved that the babies were healthy and fine, although premature, and worried for [Y/N] that she had a complication which the nurse wasn't telling them about. 

Peter couldn't take the wait and sitting around in the waiting area, so he had gone to the prenatal wing to see his newly born babies. He asked a nurse which was his and they took him to see them, he had a beautiful daughter and son. He smiled and even teared up a little at seeing his son and daughter for the first time, it finally felt real that he now had a family and found the person he loved so much. He couldn't wait for [Y/N] to see their son and daughter for the first time, he stayed there for a while until Gabby came by to let him know that [Y/N] was finally out of surgery.

Peter nodded at Gabby then they both went to [Y/N]'s room she was in for recovery, she was still knocked out from the surgery but was told that she should start to come around some point. It was about half an hour before she finally came too again, with a groan [Y/N] looked around the room before she spotted Peter sat beside her hospital bed with a relieved look on his face with her hand in his. He carefully explained everything that happened to her from her having surgery to having an emergency C-Section, this only set her mind into a spiral of if her baby was okay. 

Peter)"I'm so glad your okay, you really made me worry. Hey, it's okay, I went to see how the babies were doing and their fine. We have a beautiful son and daughter."

"That's a relief, wait.... d-did you say son and daughter? W-we have twins?"

Peter)"Yes. We have twins. I'm guessing even you didn't know from your reaction."

Peter chuckled softly as he brushed some of [Y/N]'s hair out of her face and placed a kiss on her forehead with a smile, she was overjoyed that she had twins and even more so that they were heathy and fine. A smile slipped onto [Y/N]'s face as tears came to her eyes, she was so happy. She couldn't wait to hold her babies in her arms and for the future with them and the man she loved so dearly. Everything felt so....Perfect in that moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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