Chapter 2

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Thud! Ching!

Thud! Ching!

Thud! Clank! 

Thud! Thud! Clank!...

The soft noise of fists hitting a punching bag and the jingling of the chains could be heard from the living room as [Y/N] kept hitting the bag with her pace staring to get faster with every hit along with her breathing, tonight was one of those night that she couldn't sleep from the plaguing memories from her time in the army and of her mother, with one last punch to the punch bag sending it swinging alittle she lets out jagged breaths as she walked over to the sofa and picked up a towel to wip the sweat off her face.

 Once she took the towel away from her face, she was met with Peters sleepy form as he padded his way over to her then put his hands on her shoulder then smoothed his thumbs over her exposed skin as she was wearing a sports bra and joggers, a sigh left her lips seeing that she's woken her lover because of her insomnia and ADHD kicking up again.

"I'm sorry babe, I didn't mean to wake you"

Peter)"It's okay, what time is it?"

Glancing at a clock on the wall it showed 4:32am in the morning, [Y/N] had been up and at it for 3 hours which now that she realized the time has managed to exhaust herself from the extensive exercise, with a sigh she rubbed her now slightly sleepy eyes before telling Peter that she was going to have a shower and left for the bathroom down the hall leaving the young man to sigh knowing exactly what was keeping his lover awake for the past 3 hours. 

[Y/N] had told him all about her insomnia and the nightmares of her time in the army also about her mother's accident which she witnessed; it was clear that it was still plaguing her even after many years after the traumatic event. Walking over to the cupboard that had the glasses in them he too out one then filled it with water from the tap and went into the cupboard next to the sink grabbing a medication bottle and took it back to the bedroom where he placed it on [Y/N]'s side of the bed, getting back into bed after and waited for her to get out of the shower which was only a few minutes later in a pair of pajama shorts and shirt drying her hair with a towel.

It was clear to see on her face that [Y/N] was tired from the slight bags under her eyes, once she had up her said in a messy bun she dropped the towel in the hamper and climbed into bed only to see the pill bottle and a glass of water on the nightstand, this made a small smile grace her lips as she picked up the pill bottle then took two out and popped them into her mouth before taking a swing of water from the glass then turning off the lamp next to her. After getting comfortable next to Peter half an hour later she managed to finally get some much-needed sleep.

The sun soon risen and it was now 8:16am in the morning, Peters alarm went off although he woke up half an hour ago he stayed in bed not wanting to disturb the peacefully sleeping [H/C] woman next to him what was curled up to his side with her arms hugging his stomach, he almost felt bad that he had to wake her up after the restless night she had last night but he also knew that they couldn't be late for work otherwise Boden will be on their asses for it, so he reluctantly but gently started to shake [Y/N]'s shoulder to try and wake her.

"[Y/N], babe, com'on we have work today"

"Ugh do I have too?"

[Y/N] shifted from her comfortable position at his side onto her back and layed her arm over her eyes not wanting to get up as she was still feeling drowsy from her sleep meds she took a few hours prior in the night, she hated the feeling after she took her sleep med as it made her head feel all fuzzy and her eyes drowsy making her want to sleep for a month, seeing her reaction of being stubborn Peter knew he had to bribe her to get out of bed which was normal as he knew how crap she felt after taking her sleep meds when it came to getting up the next morning.

"Yes, com'on if you get up then we can go to my mom dinner for breakfast if you want?"

"Mhm~ that sound nice. Fine, I'll get up"

After reluctantly getting out of bed and getting changed into a hoodie and sport leggings they grabbed there things then made their way to Peter's mom's dinner where they were happily greeted by his mom and sister which was behind the counter cooking in the kitchen and serving customers, [Y/N] had grown fairly close to Peters mother and sister over the year or so that they have known each other so when the two Mills woman found out that [Y/N] and Peter had started dating they both welcomed her into the family with open arms pretty quickly, they would now and then tease the couple on when they were going to tie the knot which only made [Y/N] all flustered just thinking about Peter asking her to marry him.

Once breakfast was eaten and there coffee had been drunk they made their way to 51 for their shift which was a 24 hour one so it was going to be one hell of a long day and night shift, Shay was also finally back after the accident with the ambo where a truck ran into it but it didn't take long for the first call of the day to come in so everyone got into action and suited up then we were on are way, the call was about an abandoned lorry trailer which absolutely sunk might I add.

Inside it there was multiple victims of men, women and even children all a result of illegal smuggling, thankfully there was a survivor which was a 15 or 16 year old girl that Gabby and Shay took to the hospital to get looked after as the rest of us packed and went back to the 51, I helped Peter in the kitchen to make lunch for everybody which was fun as we slightly messed about alittle too much as we were at work and all but I just couldn't help but mess with him.

The next call came in and it was a small plane crash, the plane was palliated by an old man which was given the wrong corrodents to the nearest runway and bits of the plane was stuck in two cars and made a guy fling through somebody's window, all the injured was taken to hospital with only one or two fatalities. Later on, Boden wanted us all to meet in the briefing room and he told us about Kelly's injury that he kept to himself for last few years, but he was now getting the help he needed which I was glad that he was.

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