Chapter One - This is Where My Sorrow Starts

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The final school bell rings and Cass, Astro, and I basically run out of math class. We don't bother going to our lockers we run out to my parent's car where they're waiting for us. "Hey kiddos" My dad chuckles as we all pile into the back seat. "What's the plans for the weekend?" he asks pulling out of the parking lot. All three of us look at each other "What are we doing this weekend?" I laugh, "Not math homework that's for sure" Astro laughs. "We could go shopping?" Cass suggests. Astro and I both groan "We just did that last weekend" He says but then I suddenly say "We could have a pool weekend starting tomorrow!" I squeak. "I like that plan" My dad laughs "Only because you don't have to spend money" I laugh he does too. "It's a plan then"

We get home and all pile our bookbags by the door. "You kids want to play cards?" My mom asks happily as she sees my dad walk in the door. They're so in love and I love seeing their love. I want a love like that even Astro and Cass have that. They found out a few months ago they were mates, we all find out when we're fifteen, if we find them of course and not everyone does right away. My mom told me she met my dad when they were eighteen, in the mall. Typical love story actually but their love wasn't typical at all.

They're obsessed with each other in the most adorable way. It gives on my nerves somedays though; I mean who wants to be fifteen and see their parents kissing and hugging all the time? Gross. "I'm down to play," I say taking my shoes off "Us too," Cass said and a glare from Astro said he didn't have a word in that but didn't fight Cass on it. "Are we playing poker?" I ask walking into the dining room which is also our game room. "Yes," my mom says. My dad, Matthew who is the pack next door Alpha, and his best friend are sitting down already. They let us play sometimes but they bet money and we use fake chips. My dad taught me how to play since I was able to comprehend it and I've gotten rather good at it.


"Bedtime kids," My mom said after we got done with dinner. None of us protested at all so we all separated off to our rooms. I didn't bother taking a shower either, I am way too tired. So, I changed into my favorite pajamas, blue with rubber ducks on them. I climb into my twin-size bed and cover up with the blanket my dad got me when I was ten. I look out my window and grin as the moon is coming out, it's a full moon. I really want to wait to sleep until I get to see it because it always makes me happy. So, I decide to read my book, Nacy B Jones. I really like her and I've been stuck on her for a while now.

I'm awakened to growls and I shot up straight out of bed. I run to my door and when I open it my mom is there running in with two guards. "What's wrong?" I scream but my mom puts a hand over my mouth. They all come into my room and shut my door then lock it. "Where's dad?" I ask turning to my mom, "He's outside protecting us" Although it's scary I know my dad is tough, "I want Cass and Astro mom" I say turning around to her with pleading eyes, "I need them in here. I need to know their okay" She looks at one of the guards and nods. One of them leaves while the other stays so I go to look out my window to see what's going on. "There's so many of them" I say because there has to be at least thirty wolves in the back yard "Some of them are ours. It's okay" She pulls me back gently and sits me down on my bed then begins pacing.

A few minutes later there is a knock and the other guard opens the door, peaking, and then fully opens it. Astro has Cass cooped up in her arms as she's shaking. "It's okay, Cass," I say as they sit down on the bed. Cass and Astro's parents aren't here as they left on business for my dad a few weeks together so my mom is looking over them.

We all sit in silence during all of the fights from what my mom said was going on. She didn't know why either. So, Cass, Astro, and I are laying on my bed in silence. Cass is curled into Astro still scared but I'm pretty confident we're okay. Also, they don't get to lay down together often either so I think she's soaking it up while she can. Even though they are mates, we're still teenagers too. Although I don't think Astro would do anything anyways, he's very respectful unlike the other boys at are school. Plus, he's my future beta, I have to be his first priority but I tell him right now to focus on her. I have my dad to protect me. He still has to be on protection detail with me at school though because being an Alpha's daughter is pretty important from what my mom told me. Especially because the pack will come to me when my dad wants to step down.

I'm almost asleep again when my mom starts screaming loudly and grabbing her chest "NOOO!" I run to her shaking her and asking her what's going on "Your father" she starts sobbing. No, he's fine. He's an alpha he's okay. "He's dead" she breathed. Cass and Astro are catching me as I fall to the ground "You're lying mommy" I say starting to cry, "I can feel it" she said gasping.


It's raining outside so we have to stand under a tent looking at my dad's coffin that doesn't have a body in it. They said he was so messed up they couldn't fix him which is an imagine I didn't in my head. My mom is bawling next to me as she has for a week. While I stand here, numb and for some reason, I don't see that stopping anytime soon except for the anger. It grows more and more every day.

That's all I feel, so I shouldn't say numb. I'm angry, livid, and whatever word. How could he die? He's an alpha. He's bigger and stronger than normal there's no way he died. Did he leave us? No that couldn't be it, he wouldn't do that to us, especially my mom. She's been a wreck and I was too for a while but then it went away. So here I am, standing under a tent with hundreds of people behind me. My mom, me, Astro, and Cass are at the front. Astro and Cass are now my support because obviously, my mom can't. Not that I blame her. I can't imagine what it must be like, but I don't. I don't want a mate. Not after watching her, but Cass keeps telling me she will get better. I hope so because she runs the pack by herself now. I can take care of myself while she takes care of herself but a part of me has a feeling, I'll be taking care of her.

An elder who is holding the ceremony finishes and asks for the people to come forward to speak. Just as that happens the council appears out of nowhere but they don't speak they stand in silence too. My mom grabs a piece of paper out of her purse and starts moving forward. I turn away, I don't want to be here anymore. She's going to sob her life away up there with whatever it is. "I want to leave" I whisper to Cass; she grabs my hand and squeezes it. I close my eyes and prepare myself.

"I want to thank you all for being here." sob "I promise to take care of every one of you just like we did before" sob "We lost a very good man. One that cannot be replaced. I love you so so much and I'm completely broken by what has happened to us" sob and she's done. I thought it would be more brutal, to be honest, but maybe she skipped a lot. "Khaleesi?" the elder wonders. I open my eyes; I wasn't supposed to say anything but how in the hell am I supposed to say no? Cass squeezes my hand expecting me to let go but I pull her with me. It's only a few feet from where I'm at but I need her to keep me standing up straight, I turn around to everyone before the casket putting a hand on it first, but it doesn't mean anything, because I can't see him.

"I'll miss you, dad. I'll be a good luna when the day comes. I love you" I squeeze Cass's hand and I know it has to be hard but she doesn't budge. I scan the crowd before me and everyone is crying. That's what makes me cry, them crying. So, I break down, not for me, but for them. They lost their alpha "It is different to lose a parent than it is an Alpha. He has taken care of you all for so long, and he protected you. You all must be so shaken up because of the fight and losing one of the most powerful people in this pack. We are strong too. We are strong without him and we will stay that way. My mother and eventually me will protect you all. We need to be strong for him, to show him he did his job well" I can see pride change in their eyes and I start crying more.

I don't eat at the after dinner, I don't talk, and I go up to my room after thirty minutes when my mom finally lets me. I change out of my black dress and heels and put on a pair of shorts and one of my dad's shirts that smell like him then get into my bed. It doesn't take long for me to start crying and I don't stop for six hours when I can finally go to sleep.


One month later. Sleep.

Two months later. Try to eat.

Three months later "Khaleesi you have to go to school"

Four months later Too much sleep

Five months: nothing 

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