Everyone's Favorite Dessert

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"Get back here!"

Vi, doing what she usually did, ignored the voices of authority coming from behind her. She raced through the elegant, but mostly empty streets of Piltover. Her footsteps were in tune with the loud blaring of horn alarms.

Must be in a housing district, she figured as she flew past giant, gorgeous, mansions.

The empty sack on her back made the getaway light and easy but dragged her pride to Hell. Vi found an advantage as she twisted the corner of a house, out of the enforcers' sight. She had seconds until they caught up with her. Those seconds determined whether she would get away scott-free or spend her life in prison.

She wagged her head around before dashing down a space between two mansions. The alleyway broke out into a space of lush green grass where Vi could easily be spotted. She would be forced to keep running and her lungs didn't know how long that would suffice. Her only other decision was a ten-foot-tall stone wall with pointed black fencing decorating the top.

"Where'd that sump rat go!"

She leaped up, digging her blistering fingers into the cracks and creases of the bricks. Her arms and legs shook like jello when she finally threw herself over the other side.

"Shit," she groaned, wishing she had just passed out on impact. The bed of flowers she landed on did not do much to break her fall.

As the adrenaline began to fade two things set in, exhaustion and pain. A pounding in the side of her head hindered her sight. Making blinking a pain. She attempted to fight it, pushing herself up onto her hands and knees. But the aching of her limbs and lungs proved to be too much. Fatigue over took her and she flopped over on her back. She squinted against the rays of the sun, scattered by the bright green leaves above her.

Just a couple of minutes, to catch my breath.

Her eyes slowly fluttered closed, bringing a wave of relief with it. Sleep crept from behind, attempting to claim her, only to be rudely interrupted by a blunt object poking her cheek.

"Who are you?," In a posh Piltover accent was the first thing Vi heard. The first thing she saw was hair. Deep blue hair. Then a face, a feminine face with deep blue eyes to match her deep blue hair.

"Who are you?" The girl asked again, holding a thin branch close to her chest.

Vi wanted to panic and try to escape but she found she had no energy for either of those things. Instead, she grunted softly, causing the girl's eyebrows to bunch together. The girl began examining her,

"Are you... are you from the Undergrounds?"

"So what if I am?" Vi snapped back. She attempted to sit up, inhaling sharply at the pains in her sides.

The girl's critical face softened,

"Do you need help?"

"Not from a Pilty like you."

She frowned.

"The Undercity is a part of Piltover too you know. We're both from Piltover."

"Ha!" Vi laughed bitterly, "well, pardon me Cupcake I meant I'm not taking help from a topsider like you."

The girl, "Cupcake"'s, face scrunched up again, whether that be because of the mockery of her accent or either of the two nicknames, Vi couldn't tell. She pushed herself off the crushed blossoms, standing up to face the stone barrier.

"You won't make it back undetected. The entire block should be flooded would enforcers by now."

Vi forced her fingers into the slight crevices, pushing the bottom of her left boot on the wall,

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