Short Mylo Analysis

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I think the reason the Arcane fandom has no real Mylo haters (just people who wish he would shut the fuck up) is because his comment about Powder being a Jinx was just an unfortunate case of the butterfly effect.

For anyone who doesn't know what the butterfly effect is, it's when a relatively small thing blows up out of hand into something large and disastrous. The name comes from the idea that the flap of a butterfly's wings on one side of the world causes the winds to hurricanes on the other.

A real-life example of the butterfly effect would be: "I decide to take the drive-through to Wendy's → I end up moving to Poland."

In Arcane though it would be: "Older brother calls his younger sister a mean name while mad → she becomes an insane murder."

Mylo said those words while venting his frustration, most likely thinking this wouldn't drastically affect Powder's life in any way.

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