◇Chapter 2: The Choosen Ruler◇

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Today was the day.
Xornoth noticed how pale Scott looked,"Scott, you alright?-", Scott then ran away and down the hall, making Xornoth worry so he chased after him,"Scott?", he was worried for his little brother.


Scott threw up, he sat on the floor of the bathroom breathing heavy and visibly shaking, Xornoth knelt in front of him with worry.
Scott hadn't been acting like himself for a while, it seems like everything was like a panic attacking waiting to attack Scott but no matter what Scott never told Xornoth, parents or his friends about what was bothering him.
"Scott, mate, if you're not up for this we can move the date.", Scott shook head head, using his sleeve to wipe his face,"Sorry. . . It's just nerves, I can get through the day.", Xornoth eyes him, but he helps Scott up and they head to the ceremony room.


Many people were there; Their friends, Citizens and people from other kingdoms.
Scott and Xornoth stood to either side of their parents, they gave a speech which honestly Xornoth would have fallen asleep to if he wasn't trying to be a good example while Scott was nearly white as a ghost and just felt like dying all over again as he felt many eyes on him.
". . . And so, the new Ruler as I know that is all why you have came here today."
Scott tensed up more, he felt like he was going to puke all over again as their father turned to them,"Now, boys; Keep in mind myself and your mother have taken in all considerations of who should have the throne, we love you both equally and we hope that you help one another no matter who takes the throne.", Scott and Xornoth nods, their father then turned to Scott, Xornoth smiled as their father took the crown and placed it on Scott's head,"You'll make a fine Ruler, Scott.", Scott tensed, people were cheering and clapping, he looked to his left and was surprised to see Xornoth clapping and cheering.
. . .
Just fake a smile till it's all over.
So Scott gave a nervous smile to the crowd.


"I had a feeling he would choose you, I don't blame him as you are a hard worker!", "Xornoth. . .", Xornoth stopped his in his tracks, noticing his brother was trailing behind and was holding their dad's crown in his hands and he seemed. . . More pale and scared then ever.
"I don't. . . Are you. . . Mad?"
Xornoth was surprised, he turned to Scott,"Mad? Why would I be mad?", Scott looked away,"I just-. . . You see. . .", "You think I hate you because dad choose you?", Scott nods, Xornoth could now see he was shaking, Xornoth took the crown and placed it back on Scott's head smiling,"Listen; I honestly wouldn't have been a good king, I wouldn't be able to do all that boring meeting stuff and I like adventure. If anything being a guard is fun, I'm guessing you were worried because of those old stories and possible nightmares.", Scott was stunned, he hugged his brother which surprised him of how scared Scott was, he hugged back and ruffled his brother's hair.
"And in two days time, a celebration will be held of dad choosing you."
Xornoth could still feel Scott shaking, he was getting worried for his brother more especially after today.
Why was he so scared?
Xornoth knew Scott wouldn't tell him.

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