◇Chapter 9: Fighting With The Demon◇

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2 weeks.
The Demon is still being as annoying as ever towards Xornoth mostly, they all refused to call the Demon by his name Joey because this wasn't the Joey that they all knew and loved; far from it.
But Xornoth was getting sick of it and he was sick of this Demon coming in out of nowhere and doing what it wants.
"Someone is mad."


Scott walked over to Jimmy as he brought back fish,"Hey, where's Xornoth?", "Uh, I dunno.", "XORNOTH!", they turned and saw Lizzy running towards the barrier and and encouraged them to follow her!
There they saw Xornoth on the other side of the Barrier battling the Demon!
Xornoth was full of rage, the Demon laughing as he gladly fought back!
Joey got hit with an arrow to the shoulder, turning he saw Pearl with her bow,"I got your back!", Xornoth smiled and continued to fight the Demon!
Soon over members joined in the fight, attacking the demons from different sides and weapons!
The Demon rose a corpse from the dead, able to bring two away from the fight but he still had to deal with the other menaces!
As Jimmy blocked another attack, he ducked as the Demon was hit by Xornoth's magic, leaving a purple mark on his chest!
Joey threw Joel aside,"JOEL!", "I WILL NOT BE BEATEN BY YOU FOOLS!", then Joey was sent back by the blow of Gemini and Pearl.
"How does that feel!"
Joey had enough,"ENOUGH!", with a wave of his hand a sandstorm picked up making it impossible to see and attack the Demon and with enough power Joey sent them all back beyond the barrier!
Xornoth sat up and glared at the Demon, who smirked,"Had a lovely fight my friends, but I must attend to duties.", so Joey left.
Gemini spat out sand,"I can't see crap.", "We got sand in our eyes, hair, clothes and mouths.", Pearl helped Gemini up and Xornoth almost stormed back over but was stopped by Scott,"Bro, calm down we shouldn't until we have a plan.", Xornoth sighed and turned to Scott,"Sorry, I-. . . I lost my cool and attacked the Demon.","It's fine, we probably would have done the same.", Xornoth nods, thanking Sausage for understanding, Scott then checked Xornoth for injuries,"You didn't get hit too badly right?", "No need to worry, he didn't hit me.", then Xornoth noticed something,"Worry about your skin.", "My skin? We just got thrown back by a sandstorm, you should see your skin!", Xornoth knew they were covered in sand and it was sticking to them but this isn't about the sand,"No, no. Do you not feel that?", Scott was confused as Xornoth touched the side of his neck,"Scott is this. . . Frost?", Scott felt the side of his neck and felt it, he froze up, pun intented, everyone else noticed,"How did this happen?", Scott avoided eye contact until Xornoth realised,"Wait, Scott did Joey strick you with a curse?", Scott hesitatented, but he nods,"Maybe. . .", Xornoth was worried for Scott, Jimmy too,"We should get inside.", they all agree to get the sand off and make sure Scott is okay.

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