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chapter thirty-eight[ yellow m&ms ]

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chapter thirty-eight
[ yellow m&ms ]

the group is now at the hospital to go see mrs. driscoll. they tried to sneak pass the lady at the front desk since she was on the phone. they nearly did but with their luck, they were caught, "whoa, whoa, whoa! excuse me! where do you think you're going?" the lady asked, standing from her seat, seeing the large group trying to walk past her.

"oh um, i was just going to visit my grandma again. and-and this....this is my family." nancy smiled at her, and everyone else either waved or sent the woman a smile.

"extended," lucas added with a big grin.

"i don't care who they are. you know the rules. two visitors at a time." the lady sassed.

"yeah, but—" nancy tried.

"two!" the lady cut nancy off, holding out two fingers, then went back to her conversation on the phone.

the group all groaned. but they then decided that jonathan and nancy should be the ones to go and talk to mrs. driscoll since she already knows them.

so the rest of the group sat in the waiting room, waiting.

mike and lucas were trying to get some snacks while max, melissa and eleven were reading some magazines and will was just watching the two boys struggle.

"oh come on, you piece of shit!" mike groaned, kicking the vending machine. the snack he wanted got stuck.


him and lucas began hitting the vending machine, catching elevens attention. they continued to hit and kick the vending machine, causing her to get annoyed. so, el used her powers and made all the candy fly off the shelves. the two boys looked at the candy in shock but then looked over at eleven who was wiping away the blood with her finger.

"thanks," mike smiled and eleven just nodded.

lucas and mike kneeled down, gathering all the candy, "dude, i think that was it." lucas whispered.

"that was what?" mike asked.

"the olive branch." lucas smirked.

"the what?"

"oh my god, you're hopeless. okay, i'll distract max and mel, get an opening and then talk to her. all right?" lucas said to mike who nodded.

now, lucas was throwing m&ms at max while el was still reading magazines, melissa was cheering max on and will, he sat and watched melissa, figuring out in his head how he was going to tell her what he wanted to tell her.

he saw that eleven and mike were talking so he had to make a move.

so, will got up and walked over to where the girl was standing.

"go max!" she laughed, eating a yellow m&m from her package of m&ms lucas had given her.

"hey, mel." will mumbled quietly.

melissa turned and looked at will with a smile, "hey will, what's up?"

he looked nervous and she didn't know why. she wanted to know though.

"i've been meaning to talk to you. is it okay if we go talk?" he asked her and she nodded, following him away from the others.

"is everything okay?" melissa questioned, worriedly.

"yeah-yeah, it's just. ever since you dumped my ass, things have not been going well. i really miss you and it's okay if you don't want me back, i understand but—"

he was cut off by her lips on his.

will smiled into the kiss and then the two pulled away, "i'll be your girlfriend again, will."

he smiled and sighed in relief, "really?"

she nodded, grabbing onto his hands, "yeah, but you can't lie to me again, okay?"


"promise?" melissa held out her pinky.

"promise." will said and then two locked it, smiling at one another.

but before they could say anything else, the lights above them flickered. the two walked back over to the group who also noticed the lights.

"he's here." wills voice shivered, while putting his hand on the back of his neck, feeling him.

melissa felt it too.
she was activated.

the others all shared a look before standing up and running down the hall.

it felt weird, being activated. melissa was trying to fight it, trying not to show she was struggling to stay in control.

"hey, hey, hey! two at a time!" the lady yelled, standing up as the group passed her, ignoring her yelling.

the group traveled up the stairs. melissa stayed far behind, gripping onto the railing as her body ached. "stop." she told him.

"nancy! nancy!" they heard jonathan yell.

the group all followed after his voice, finding him in front of a door, banging on it.

"jonathan!" will yelled, running over to him.

if jonathan was banging on the door it meant that nancy was inside the room. eleven flung open the door with her mind and they all saw a creature hovering over nancy they had never seen before.

"what the fuck." max mumbled, looking at the creature.

the creature turned around and let out a screech but eleven was quick to react. she used her powers to make the monster fly from one side of the room to the other then to the ceiling and the ground then out the window.


the group ran outside while jonathan ran to nancy. they watched as the mind flayer melted down into the sewer, being sucked away.

and suddenly, melissa felt fine.

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