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(Michael's POV)

Sunlight rays penetrated my eyes, causing me to wake up. My eyesight was slightly blurry, but I could already hear screams and cries from my younger brother because of his hair getting combed, he's still sensitive when he's almost 12 years old.

I rolled out of my bed and stepped toward the bathroom, I went to look at my reflection in the mirror and notice my hair was a mess. Poofy, long, and definitely needs a haircut, I should've thought about getting one before the school year started, but it'll be just fine for one day.

While I brushed my teeth, Mum chimed by and reminded me, "Mikey dear! Make sure to dress nicely for your first day!"

I mumbled, "Yes, I know Mum."

Once I was done, I spitted out the bits of toothpaste left in the sink and rinsed my mouth out with a cup of water, I went back into my room and picked out my outfit for the day and brush my hair.

I paced down the long case of stairs and caught an eye of Mum making breakfast and my younger siblings at the dining table eating the food she had severed them. I pulled a chair out from the table, sighting a plate with food that was untouched and still warm. I had assumed that it was for me.

"Where's Father?" Liz asked as she ate her food.

"He left for work early, Liz" Mum answered, "now eat your food, I have to take pictures of you guys! You all look so grown-up!"

Evan groaned and tilted his head back in frustration, I snickered and continued to eat my breakfast.

Having finished taking our school pictures, I grabbed the keys to my car and waved goodbye to my family.

(time skip when he has gotten to school)

I opened the doors of the school to hear students chatting and laughing, I sped through the crowds of people to get out of the way. When I was at my locker, I took out a paper with my schedule printed on it. I unlock it to see the empty inside of my locker and started to shove my belongings into it.

-Ding! Ding!- The school bell starts to ring, meaning I have to get to my first class, homeroom. I know for a fact that this going to be boring, just like how the rest of is going to be.'

(Time skip)

I creak the door open and the class is revealed with students sitting at their desks and chatting with their friends. I sigh and I walk to the back of the room, away from everyone in the front of the classroom.

I lay my head on my fist, as I obversed the class and the surroundings, I start to zone out as the teacher introduces herself.

"Hey! Is this yours? I saw a pen fall from your desk." A voice appeared out of nowhere, holding out my pen.

"Huh? Yeah! Thank you." I take the pen of his hand, feeling the warmth of it.

He pulls out the other chair on the desk, "Looks like I'm sitting next to you for the year. The name is Jeremy by the way! How about you?"

I couldn't understand why this boy treated me like this, I replied with, "Michael. You can call me Mike for short if you want."

"Are you okay? You sound like you're sad..."

I felt a small pound in my heart, "I-I'm fine. Just kinda feel alone, I don't really have any friends..."

"Why don't I be your first friend then? Do you want to meet up for lunch?"

My heart fluttered a little, "Sure." I grinned out of happiness. I finally felt like I was someone for once.

(609 words)

Remember that you're an awesome person by the way. >_<

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