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(Michael's POV)

"Michael, hold still!" Liz tells me as she holds my shoulder to make me sit still. Earlier this week, Liz heard me groaning about my hair. She said that she was going to give me a haircut, which was more of a trim than a true haircut.

I sigh, "Liz, you've never done this. I'm scared if you're going to mess this up right before I hang out with my friend."
Liz scoffed, "I promise, I won't mess it up. Mum taught me the basics."

Liz begins to open the scissors by widening her fingers as I say, "Okay..." She grabs a few strains and I can already hear snips of my hair being cut off.

"Michael, I'm done," Liz announces. I look at myself in the mirror. My hair length has shifted from being on my shoulders to being halfway on my neck. My sister did a pretty nice job.

"Good job, heh." I smiled a little as I stroked my hair.

She nods, "No problem. Now, you should probably get ready!" Liz suggests.

"Right! Right!" I immediately run out of the room as Liz watches.

(time skip)

Jeremy's house is already visible from a distance. My best effort was to keep my eyes on the road, but I was too busy daydreaming about all the things I and Jeremy would do together. I can feel my face heat up, softly.

In the end, I parked my car very badly, but I didn't have time to fix it anyway. Jeremy immediately runs up to me upon exiting my car and hugs me. A blush covers my face.

He lets go of me, "Hey, Mike! How was the drive?" Jeremy greets and asks.

I responded with, "Oh um, it was good and all!"

Jeremy looks at my hair, "Did you get a haircut? Your hair looks different."

I put my hand on my head, "Uh, yeah! It's more of a trim than a cut, but it's whatever."

"Nice" He puts his hand in his pocket, seemingly digging for something, "before we start our day, I brought a gift."

I tilt my head a little, "Really?" I say as the blonde gives me a folded piece of paper. I start to unfold it, I see that there's a drawing on it, not an ordinary one, it was me.

Jeremy scratches his head a little, "Since you gave me a drawing of me, I thought it would be nice if I gave you a drawing of you."

I resist, but softly smile at him, "I love it, thank you." I catch an eye of Jeremy grinning and slightly blushing. I was heart-struck at this point.

He grabs my hand and looks at me with his bright gold eyes, "Come on, now! Let's hang out as we said."

I nodded so many times, it felt like it was 1000 times. I hold his hand as we run into the distances ahead of us. I looked around, confused about where we were going.

"Aren't we going to your house?" I ask him as we continue to run.

Jeremy pauses in thought and we stop running. He looked down at the ground in his shoes, something was wrong. "Are you okay-" I stop being cut off, "We're going to the park!" He shouts in surprise.

"Well, okay then. But, are you okay though?"

Jeremy puts his hand down, "I'm completely fine!"

I flick my blue eyes to the side, "Okay..." Something was still wrong. We continue our run to the park, laughing, smiling, and just overall being full of joy. However, I was still worried about Jeremy.

Once we were at the park, we lay on the overgrown soft emerald grass, staring into the trees above us with bits of sunlight beaming into the scenery. It felt peaceful and calming as birds chirped and dove into the leaves of the trees.

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