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(3rd POV)

Because of his boredom, Michael almost fell asleep every single minute of just watching the movie. It was hard anyways to see and hear what was shown on the T.V, the quality was just that bad. The movie was pretty much shit as well.

"I don't understand why my aunt is into all of this cheesy shit." Jeremy blurted as he put his head on his hand.

Michael slightly chuckles, "She must have bad taste or something." He yawns, digging his hand into a chip bag to try to attempt to keep himself awake. Jeremy bursts out laughing, he couldn't agree even more.

(Michael's POV)

Slowly, my eyes started to close and everything went black. I finally fell asleep after attempting for many minutes to make myself stay awake.

(A/N: changing to italics because he's dreaming now. Also, yes this is based off of a Heartstopper mini comic because I'm clearly unoriginal.)

"Mr. Afton?" A chill masculine voice calls out my name, well my last name. "Mr. Afton!" They call out again.

I perk up my head, "H-huh?" I looked around the room, it seemed to be a room where most of the dancers and ballerinas practiced. Then, I looked over to the person who was calling out my name. The person was the one and only, Jeremy Fitzgerald.

"You fell asleep for a bit!" Mr. Fitzgerald tells me. He was wearing some type of suit, the ones you would see people wear back in the 1800s and his blonde hair is tied up in a low ponytail.

I was pretty much questioning my surroundings, "Er, sorry. What are we doing?" I ask with a question in my eyes.

Mr. Fitzgerald nods, "No need to be sorry, Mr. Afton! I believe you wanted me to help you prepare for tonight,"

"Tonight?" I questioned, tilting my head in confusion

"Why, the dance of course!" He answers with a wide grin, there was a bit of blush on his face. "Are you planning to ask out a girl to the dance?"

"Uh... I don't think I know how to dance!" I blurt out, not knowing what to say to him. I don't like girls anyway.

"Well then, I suppose that's why I'm here!" Mr. Fitzgerald takes out a hand, "Come." I grab his hand and our lesson begins.

"First, you bow" He bends his torso and his head down, I follow along with him, "and then, you dance." I and Mr. Fitzgerald began to dance together. Dancing along with him felt so much better than dancing with some girl.

"Oh! You can pay her a compliment too, if you like." Mr. Fitzgerald notes for me.

Blush fills my face, "You have beautiful eyes." I stare into his gold eyes.

He smiles and turns his eyes to the side, "That's-That's good!" We then conutine the dance ronutine.

We separate apart and then turned back to each other. Once again, I look into his eyes. They're actually beautiful.

"Ah- you're supposed to let me go at that bit." Mr. Fitzgerald tells me, but I completely ignore him.

"Mr. Fitzgerald, can I kiss you?" I ask, the dream starts to go vague and I feel my body getting shaked, somebody starts to call my name constantly, "Mike. Mike. Michael!" They shout at me, my eyes flutter open. I was back into reality.

"Mr. Fitzger- JEREMY, GOSH! I-I'm so sorry if you heard me sleep talking, i-it was just a dream! Trust me!" I sprung up from laying on the bed.

His hand touches my shoulder, I freak a little, "Mike, look it's okay."

I bite my lip a little, "No, no! It's not okay! I sounded like a fucking creep! I'm just so sorry." I take his hand off of my shoulder.

He nods, "Seriously, Mike. It's completely fine. I can already tell that dream says a lot." My hands are already stuck together, my palms are sweaty as hell. My heart starts to sink, I just want to cry but it would just be embarrassing, so I hold back my tears.

He cups my cheeks and a gulp goes down his throat, "You can kiss me." Jeremy admits.

My heart flutters, hardly. I couldn't believe the words that had came out of his mouth. "O-okay." It's the same word I repeat for the next 2 seconds. I grab his shoulders and lean in, we close our eyes and our lips are suddenly locked together. If I'm going to be honest, I've never expected this to happen. I was mixed with so many emotions, I can't even count all of them. The main was just complete overall shock.

A few minutes later, we finally separated from the kiss. Both of us were super memorized. "So, does this mean we're dating?" I ask, looking at his face.

"Yeah. Let's just kinda keep it a secret at school though, rumors can spread fast."

Our hands intertwined together, "Alright." I grin so widely, I'm just so overly happy. I then slowly fall asleep into Jeremy's arms.

Sometimes, you just have to realize that there is someone.

(856 words) and that's it! I have no other ideas on what to write for this fanfic. yes I very much know that this chapter was very rushed, I just kinda wanted to get this fanfic over with. loved writing it, I hope to improve more in the future.

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