The beginning

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Beep Beep Beep!

My alarm was ringing, but- I didn't wake up. My eyes were practically glued shut as I rolled over onto my side, groaning in my unconscious. Then, my door opened. My mother, who had her hands resting on her hips entered my room. She seemed a bit angry, and after what she said, I realized why. Her voice was firm, and demanding, and I knew I couldn't slip my way out of this one...

"Rae Haskins! Wake up this instant! You're late for school!"

I sighed, blinking my eyes open. They were heavy and droopy, and they felt as though I could sleep for longer. Hours and Hours of uninterrupted sleep. Ah, how heavenly that sounded. However, she was right. I was late for school. So, I stood to my feet, scrambling to get everything ready. I hadn't gotten to eat, but I got dressed, my bag packed and my hair.... well- only partially brushed. But at that point I was already out the door, making my way through the neighborhood. The town was... bright. It beamed into my eyes and only made them feel worse. I was quite sure that today was a monday, but I hadn't gotten a good look at the calendar. So, I pulled out my phone. It said Tuesday, May 25th. With an acknowledging hum, I shoved it back in my pocket. I wasn't an astrologist after all, how should I know what day it is? 

My legs felt heavy, and I was just dragging my arms by now. The path to school... God- I must've walked this about a million times. I had lived in that house my entire life, so I could probably walk it with my eyes closed! I got to the crosswalk, and I decided to wait. In the distance, I saw a rusty car. It was going extremely fast, and I did NOT want to be ran over today. But... When I gazed over my shoulder,  a girl in an amaranth-colored red dress was skipping along the sidewalk in front of me. She was planning to walk over the street, of course. Then, when I stared for a longer time, I had realized that she was actually running from someone, laughing and smiling. Playing tag, perhaps? I couldn't really care less anyway. There was a boy chasing her, a slightly worried look on his face, but it was ultimately painted over with adrenaline and joy. The girl was beautiful. She had a waterfall of golden blonde locks, gracing her fair pale skin. Her eyes, as deep and rich blue as the sea. Surely a girl of her stature had a wonderful future ahead of her.

Except... She didn't seem to have noticed the car that was going even faster now, running out into the street. The boy screamed, "NO WAIT-!!" But... it was too late. The car had rammed into the girl, knocking her to the ground, and grinding her body up in the tires. Her body leaked pink blood, and it had stained her once gorgeous rose dress. She was laying on the asphalt, dead. The boy ran over to her, tears uncontrollably streaming down his face like rivers. He choked through his sobs, "HELP ME! SOMEBODY, HELP!!" But nobody was there. I... I couldn't move. Not even lift a finger. I was frozen like a statue. What had I just witnessed...?

 Once the car had passed her, it- didn't stop. It kept going... almost as if it had done nothing wrong. No one was focused on that, though. My jaw had dropped without me noticing, and I felt vile rise up my throat. I was gasping for air just at the sheer sight of it. I knew it was too late... I knew I couldn't do anything, so I just dropped to my knees. The boy eventually carried her lifeless body away, and I sat there on the sidewalk in shock. The pink blood that was flooding the street began to boil in the hot sun as it sat. The smell was unbearable. If I hadn't attended to school, it would be the death of me, so even after seeing such a repulsive scene, I continued on my way. 

The thought wouldn't leave my brain. It kept replaying and replaying and replaying. Over and over I would see that car brutally smash into her frail and fragile body. Her blood splattered on the pavement. It was such a terrible sight- Traumatizing... yeah... that would be the right word. Eventually, I got to class, and the teacher welcomed me with a not-so-happy greeting. "Rae Haskins! You're LATE. This is the third time this week!" I wasn't really focusing on his words. My thoughts were engulfing my mind, and I couldn't choke up any sort of excuse. So, I just stood there... in front of him and my class... silent as a mouse. "Well? Speak up, boy! You better promise me it wont happen again or there'll be consequences! Understand?" All I could do was nod, walking over to my desk. My friend, Kori, bumped me on the shoulder. He had been my friend since kindergarten, so he knew this wasn't my natural behavior. His desk was right next to mine, almost in every class. He scribbled down on his little notepad, passing it to me. An inquisitive look spread on his features.

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