The Repetition

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To my surprise, and utter horror, my lockscreen showed the same exact day that it was yesterday. No, it couldn't be... My mother stared at me with confusion, considering how my reaction seemed like I had just woken up from a horrifying nightmare. Little did she know that I was actually falling into one. "Why are you looking at me like that? Did you lose track of time like always? Ugh, it doesn't matter. Get yourself dressed and get your ass moving, Rae." And with that, she left and slammed the door. After a few minutes, I heard the car start outside and watched my mother drive off through my window. 

Was I crazy? What was going on?? Didn't my phone say May 25th yesterday? I convinced myself that I was just confused with brain fog because of the incident I witnessed yesterday. Speaking of.. I knew that I should probably have reported what happened, but how would I look saying that I witnessed a murder when the scene was completely gone? Whoever was driving that car must've come back to cover their tracks... Plus, if I made a big deal about it only now, it would just make me look suspicious like I had something to do with it. I just had to push it to the back of my mind.

Anyway, after pondering it for a minute or two, I just decided to get ready for school by getting dressed, avoiding breakfast and preparing my bag. Once I was done with my little routine, I walked out the door and headed down the same route as before. The air was hot and there was a slight humidity, but a chill breeze blew through the air that made it a comfortable weather. This same old path, once again I treaded it. It felt like every day was the exact same. The only thing that ever made it interesting was when I went over to Kori's house or had an extra assignment. The majority of the time it was just go to school, come back home and make yourself dinner. Occasionally mother would bring home a new manslut to have fun with for a month or two and then get bored of him. It was always the same. Ever since Dad left, it was kind of like she turned into the queen of broken hearts, dumping people left and right once she'd gotten her fill. It was disgusting. That's why most of the time, I'd just go over to Kori's to eat dinner and hang out with his family. It was better that way.

I drug my feet forward continuously until I made my way to the crosswalk... Still not even a drop of blood. It looked completely normal. Whoever cleaned it must've done a great job. I looked both ways reluctantly, before my breath left my lungs. That same trashy rusted car as last time was driving down the road in the distance at a deadly speed. "What the hell...?" I took a step back to make way for the car and kept myself behind the safety of the sidewalk. Getting run over would be the worst thing to do. And then, something even more terrifying happened. I heard girlish giggling behind me, and when my gaze went over my shoulder, I saw that girl...

Thick blonde hair, eyes bluer than the sky, and a lovely red dress..

It was the same girl. But- didn't she die?! Didn't I watch her get horribly murdered yesterday?! What was going on?! I instantly felt sick seeing that delicate face of hers, and I couldn't make myself speak. Once again I felt completely helpless. I watched as the boy from yesterday chased behind her with an anxious smile on his face. He was dark and tall. Taller than me, but only by a little bit. Seemingly my age. He glanced at me, only for a second, before looking back at the girl and his face almost instantly twisting into an expression of fear and horror. Same as mine.

"NO! WAIT-!!"

But once again, it was too late... The loud thud that came with the girl being caught in the tires of that menacing car... It was nightmarish. The friend of hers ran to her side once the vehicle had spit her body out on the road, pooling with flowery pink blood. "Help.... Please... Somebody..." I could hear him mumbling this time, my heart racing while time slowed down. Soon enough, his eyes filled with tears, and his face gave a look of woe and rage. "HELP ME! SOMEBODY, HELP!"

Amaranth HueWhere stories live. Discover now