'Useless, weak, ugly, idiotic' were the nicknames of a girl. A girl who hid and isolated herself from the world. But when she meets her stepbrothers, she planned to change to prove those nicknames were nothing but people's efforts to bring her down.
Previously... "Yah Sun Dahye you bitch!" Present... Dahye turned around to see Lena glaring at her. "What do you want you idiot?" Dahye said sounding clearly annoyed.
"Wow, you got some attitude talking back to me huh?" Lena raised her hands into a fist, ready to punch the girl before her but Dahye dodged it.
"It's not my fault ya'll are just fucking annoying. And I don't really like annoying people in my life so maybe just get out of it."
This angered Lena alot but Dahye didn't change her poker face. Lena wasn't the type to make a scene so she calmed herself down and just went to her seat.
Dahye smirked and sat back down and continued her lyric writing. After a few minutes, Dahye felt someone's eyes on her. She glanced to her side and saw Niki turning his gaze from her.
She scoffed and went back to writing her lyrics when she actually felt like she was doing something bad. She felt like people would hate her more for yelling at them.
She felt like they would get harassed. And by harassed, she ment sexualy as well. Because before, she appeared with them as like a bodyguard so that girls wouldn't try.
But it never worked, and now that she wasn't going to the with them, it would be worse. Dahye sighed and continued writing her song lyrics.
••••••••••••••••AFTER SCHOOL•••••••••••• As Dahye was walking home, Sakamoto and her group members blocked her way, stopping her from turning to the road. "What do ya'll want now?" Dahye asked sighing in between.
"We just want to thank you. We realized that now you are gonna be distant from Enhypen, we can claim our rights with them."
Sakamoto said making Dahye snap her head to the seven girls standing infront of her. "You will not do that, never." Dahye got even more worried knowing the girls from Black Rose had bad intentions.
"Oh please, you are too weak to try and stop us. You're not even a mafia like us. We can kill you anytime." Dahye wasn't triggered by them killing her, but the fact that they wanted to claim their rights with her brothers, is what triggered her.
"In fact, let's just kill you right now. Yehdo, will you do the honors?" Hayoung moved out of the way making Yehdo visible. "Sure thing. You have just made the wrong choice Sun Dahye. You should've just gave Enhypen to us. But you didn't, so you will face the consequences."
Yehdo slapped Dahye hard enough to make her fall which she did. She kicked Dahye in her abdomen. This resulted in the rest of Black Rose doing the same. :::::::::::::::::::AFTER::30::MINUTES:::::::::::::::::: The girls felt exhausted from beating Dahye up. "Be happy we're tired and not killing you today. But we will come back to you tomorrow." Ella said throwing leaves at the blood covered girl's face before walking off.
Dahye couldn't not stand up easily due to the kicks the girls gave her. She held a metal pole near her to support her if she was going to fall down. She coughed out blood countless of times. "Mianhae Enhypen sunbaenim if you're their next target."
Dahye said before stumbling her way back home. ++++++AT+THE+MANSION++++++++ Dahye took off her shoes and immediately fell down. "Oh my god. That hurts so bad!" Dahye exclaimed in pain, lying on the cold marble ground.
"Oh my god! Dahye what happened to you?" ~to be continued~ I'm sorry I took so long to post this so to make up for it I decided to post two parts for this story plus and additional part for hatred. Hope ya'll enjoyyy. Love youu🧡🧡🧡
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