열 다섯

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"Do you know who is Na Sori?"
Her mother didn't say anything. She just went silent. As if she suddenly went mute.

"Mom? Is everything okay?" Dahye asked as her mother has been quiet for two minutes.

"Where did you get that name from?" Her mother asked as if she didn't want her daughter to find out who she was.

"Just answer me." Dahye tried her best not to shout because it was her mom. But she really wanted to find out who she is.

"I'll tell you when I get back. Bye." Jeonha's voice wasn't heard after those two words.

"No mom!" Dahye stared at her homescreen in frustration. That's when Jungwon returned.

"Hey. Everything okay?" Jungwon asked as Dahye slowly nodded as if she was thinking about something.

"Hey." Dahye turned to Jungwon."Can you do me a favor? Just one."

"Hey, Sunoo hyung." Jungwon entered Sunoo's room, finding him lying on his bed. "Can you find someone for me?"

Sunoo immediately sat up."Who?"

"Na Sori." Sunoo's eyes widened." Na Sori? Why do you want me to find her?"

"No just do some research on her."

Sunoo nodded."Sure. Thats my specialty. Sunoo said as he walked to his desk with a computer sitting on it.

Jungwon watched as Sunoo typed random keys on his keyboard. A few minutes later Sunoo stopped.

"Ta-da." Sunoo moved away so his screen could be seen.

Name:Jeon HeejinDate of birth:19th October 2000Facts:Ran away from homr at the age of 5 because of abusive parents

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Name:Jeon Heejin
Date of birth:19th October 2000
Facts:Ran away from homr at the age of 5 because of abusive parents. Taken in by Funshine Daycare. Left to get revenge on her parents.

Didn't Dahye go to Funshine Daycare?

"Okay. Thanks Sunoo hyung." Jungwon ran out back to Dahye's room.

"Welcome!" Sunoo said as he pounced back onto his bed.

Jungwon entered Dahye's room.

"Hey." Jungwon held up the file in his hand. "I have what you asked for." He dropped it on her bed before sitting down.

Dahye looked through the files, eyeing each and every word typed on the paper.

"Just out of curiosity." Jungwon rubbed his palms together. "Why did you want me to search up on her?"

Dahye breathed in and out dramatically.
"I know her but I don't remembering her."


"Happy birthday Sori!" Dahye handed her friend a box with a black ribbon tied in a bow on top.

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