✯a random story✯(lampnold)

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Quick creater note! I don't know who originally came up with this idea I've seen it everywhere so idk 😶 but enjoy!
Shrignolds pov
Just another day. It's the evening almost bed time. As we were finishing dinner I went to say bye to everyone as I was about to go back to the clouds again. After saying goodbye to everyone I realized I missed someone, Larry. "Hey Colin! Do you know where Larry is?"
"Uhh yeah I think he's upstairs in his room or something idk"
"Okay thanks"
I headed upstairs as I knocked on his door.
"Who is it!" He yelled out of this room

"It's just me I'm about to leave and just wanted to say bye"
"Anyway I'll be on my wa-"
I was cut off by being pulled into the room.
"Sorry, you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine"
As i looked around I see what was going on. He had tears rolling down his cheeks and he looked to be in a bad state.
"I hope I'm not bothering you I- I just need help..."
I wondered as he stopped for a minute. What was wrong what did he need help with?
"I don't like the way I am now. I want to stop drinking but I don't know how to.... I'm probably wasting your time it's oka-"
"Oh Larry no your not wasting any time in fact I'm glad you reached out to me! C'mon let's get you cleaned up." I said as I grabbed his arm as we went to the nearest restroom.
(After cleaning up)
"Thank you.."
"Your welcome. Just know that I'm always here if you need me."
I said reassuring him that he could come to me for help. He hugged me tightly. I felt this weird feeling.. like what Malcolm had told me about but with a boy... But that would disobey Malcolm's rules. I put that thought aside as he released his arms from the hug.
"I'll see you tomorrow Larry" I said with a smile
"Yeah I'll see you." He said while going back to his room. After that I left.
Walking through the forest I thought about that feeling.. the feeling of love seemed to have risen but Malcolm said that it's always been a He and a Her. I couldn't understand what had happened so I decided to go to Malcolm himself and ask him.
"Ah Shrignold your back"
"Mhm I have a question Malcolm."
"Oh? How so?"
I flew up to him as he was very tall. He seemed almost as a parental figure towards me.
"Ynow how you've always told me how love would feel if I met my special one?"
"Yes Shrignold.."
"Today I felt that feeling.. bu-"
"Oh Shrignold have you met your special one! What's her name?"
"Oh.. um about that sir.. it wasn't a girl."
Malcolm seemed shocked at what I said.
"What?" He said sternly
"It was a boy he is the dream teacher-"
"Shrignold! Your being brainwashed by those people! You already know it's always a girl and a boy Shrignold!
"Yes I understand but-"
"I expected better from you to lose yourself like this. How dare you do such you must be punished."
He said angrily.
"Wait, I'm sorry!" I squealed. I never wanted to get punished ever again after the incident
But it was done. He had told me to leave and not to return for a while after the punishment.

I walked over to the house we're everyone else was at. There id see Tony and Larry arguing as always.
They both came to look at me seeing my wounds and bruises.
Tony rushed over to me.
"Oh my Shrignold what happened!"
"It's nothing I just need a place to stay for the a few nights that's all." I asked
Tony stood for a minute analyzing me
"The guest room is open." He said
"Thank you" I said while going upstairs to the room.

Right away I went to bed. I couldn't bare another moment of that night.
And I fell asleep


12:07 AM
I was awake again. A horrible dream has came up on me about..
The love group,
I quickly snapped back up as Larry open the door to the room.
"Shrignold.. are you okay?"
"Y-yes" I said while still recovering from the nightmare
He walked into the room closing the door behind him
"What happened to you?" He asked due to my cuts and bruises.
"It really was nothing.."
"Shrignold you don't have to keep secrets I can tell somethings wrong."
He told me. At that point I couldn't hold it anymore. Tears spilled out of my eyes as Larry held my face.
"It was Malcolm!" I spewed put trying not to cry that much.
He looked surprised after I said that.
"Malcolm hurt me for believing some stupid way of love." I added
"It was my punishment and now he banished me from going back for the least to say maybe a week or a month!" I tried saying over my tears.
He sat there quietly as he was taking it all in.
It seemed he wasn't alone, Tony stood outside the door as he knocked "is everything okay in there."
Larry yelled out the room
"Can you give us a minute, please!"
After that I heard his footsteps as he walked away.
"Its gonna be okay Shrignold. I'll be right back" he stood up and left the room for a minute.
He came back with bandages and bandaged all my cuts before sitting back on the bed.

We just sat there. There's nothing else we could do.

"What angered him enough to physically hurt you?" He asked

In shock I just decided to tell him.
"I- I asked him if it was okay to be gay." I answered him

He turned his head and looked at me even more surprised then before.
"What!? Why would he hurt you for that!" He said slightly irradiated.

"He's always told us about it always being a She and He. He got made because it was disobeying his rules."

"Shrignold.. ynow from what I believe that stuff is okay and to be honest I'm gay. I like boys and no one can stop me from thinking that."

I looked up, we both made eye contact and just before I could realize it.
I kissed him.

"Larry, will you be my special one?"

"Yes Shrignold I'd love to be your special one."

Hii creater again!
This is indeed my longest story now with over a thousand words.
I just wanna say that this was very fun to make ngl and I will indeed be making more I have some ideas and im hoping to make them soon!
(Also this isn't apart of any of the other lampnold stories and (most) are separate unless I specifically say it has a connection)
Other than that thanks for reading!

1156 words

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